Medium File
Production Year 2001
Rating R
Genre Comedy; Romance
TMDb Link
IMDb Link https://www.imd...itle/tt0211915/
Original Title
IMDb Rating 8 stars
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Other People
Director Jeunet, Jean-Pierre
Producer Breuer, Helmut; Griese, Bastian; van Embden, Arne Meerkamp; Ossard, Claudie
Writer Jeunet, Jean-Pierre; Laurant, Guillaume
Studio Claudie Ossard Productions; Union Générale Cinématographique (UGC); Victoires Productions; Tapioca Films; France 3 Cinéma; MMC Independent; Sofica Sofinergie 5; Filmstiftung Nordrhein-Westfalen; Canal+
Running Time 122
Aspect Ratio 2.39 : 1
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Amélie is a story about a girl named Amélie whose childhood was suppressed by her Father's mistaken concerns of a heart defect. With these concerns Amélie gets hardly any real life contact with other people. This leads Amélie to resort to her own fantastical world and dreams of love and beauty. She later on becomes a young woman and moves to the central part of Paris as a waitress. After finding a lost treasure belonging to the former occupant of her apartment, she decides to return it to him. After seeing his reaction and his new found perspective - she decides to devote her life to the people around her. Such as, her father who is obsessed with his garden-gnome, a failed writer, a hypochondriac, a man who stalks his ex girlfriends, the "ghost", a suppressed young soul, the love of her life and a man whose bones are as brittle as glass. But after consuming herself with these escapades - she finds out that she is disregarding her own life and damaging her quest for love. Amélie then discovers she must become more aggressive and take a hold of her life and capture the beauty of love she has always dreamed of.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles
  • Amélie
  • Amélie Des Abbesses
  • Die Fabelhafte Welt der Amelie
  • Amélie
  • Amélie
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  • Finland:K-11
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  • Singapore:M18
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  • South Korea:15
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  • Switzerland:7
  • Taiwan:R-12
  • Taiwan:R-15
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  • United States:R