Medium File
Production Year 2015
Rating PG-13
Genre Science Fiction; Action; Adventure
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/102899
IMDb Link
Original Title Ant-Man
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Rudd, Paul Scott Lang / Ant-Man
Lilly, Evangeline Hope van Dyne
Stoll, Corey Darren Cross / Yellowjacket
Cannavale, Bobby Paxton
Peña, Michael Luis
I., T. Dave
Mackie, Anthony Sam Wilson / Falcon
Harris, Wood Gale
Greer, Judy Maggie
Dastmalchian, David Kurt
Douglas, Michael Hank Pym
Slattery, John Howard Stark
Atwell, Hayley Peggy Carter
Fortson, Abby Ryder Cassie
Turkington, Gregg Dale
Donovan, Martin Mitchell Carson
Akana, Anna Writer
Morris, Garrett Taxi Driver
Lee, Stan Bartender
Evans, Chris Steve Rogers / Captain America (uncredited)
Stan, Sebastian Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier (uncredited)
Lovitt, Hayley Janet van Dyne / Wasp
Kenny, Tom Hideous Rabbit (voice)
Hallett, Rod Hydra Buyer
Chrest, Joe Frank
Bucaro, III, Joe Buyer
Kelly, Jean Louisa Buyer
Griffin, Dax Young Pym
Alvarez, Norma Spanish Woman
Cottrell, Darcie Isabella Young Daughter
Williams, Teddy Raver
Watts, Carol Anne Raver
Willis, Chuck David Raver
Chiritescu, Diana Raver
Parham, Neko Pool BBQ Dad
Tares, Onira Pool BBQ Mom
Davis, Kylen Pool BBQ Kid
Wilder, Zamani Pool BBQ Kid
Coleman, Jim R. Pym Tech Gate Guard
Phillips, Desmond Pym Tech Security Guard
Saxton, Aaron PYM Tech Security Guard
Cook, Michael A. EMT
Lander, Ricki Gorgeous Blonde
Blackwell, Rus Superior Officer
Pemberton, Johnny Ice Cream Store Customer
Barrera, Nicholas Ernesto
Aviles, Carlos Carlos
LaRose, Lyndsi Emily
Crayton, Robert Peachy
Perkins, Ajani Cop on Speaker
Locorriere, Jessejames Alpha Guard
Duhame, Zack Beta Guard
Lacz, Kevin Vault Guard
Trisler, Michael Vault Guard
Stevens, Daniel Armed Guard
Chansky, Alex Armed Guard
Fontenot, Clay Donahue Armed Guard
Jamorski, Michael Armed Guard
Pieretti, Casey Armed Guard
Kalik, Antal Lab Guard
Hart, Adam Lab Guard
Langdon, Reuben Lab Guard
Schneider, Todd Lab Guard
Buttimer, Kevin Lab Tech
Vasquez, Danny Ignacio
Avery, Rick Helicopter Pilot
Betts, Erik Helicopter Pilot
Other People
Director Reed, Peyton
Producer Feige, Kevin
Writer McKay, Adam; Wright, Edgar; Cornish, Joe; Rudd, Paul
Composer Beck, Christophe
Studio Marvel Studios
Running Time 117
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Armed with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, master thief Scott Lang must embrace his inner-hero and help his mentor, Doctor Hank Pym, protect the secret behind his spectacular Ant-Man suit from a new generation of towering threats. Against seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Pym and Lang must plan and pull off a heist that will save the world.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles