Medium File
Production Year 2002
Rating R
Genre Fantasy; Horror; Action; Thriller
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Blade II
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Snipes, Wesley Blade
Kristofferson, Kris Whistler
Perlman, Ron Reinhardt
Varela, Leonor Nyssa
Reedus, Norman Scud
Kretschmann, Thomas Damaskinos
Goss, Luke Nomak
Schulze, Matt Chupa
John-Jules, Danny Asad
Yen, Donnie Snowman
Roden, Karel Kounen
Kile, Marit Velle Verlaine
Curran, Tony Priest
Crawford, Daz Lighthammer
Segura, Santiago Rush
Le, Samuel Jigsaw
Vašut, Marek Golem
Lee-Wilson, Pete Blood Bank Doctor / Reaper
Kasey, Paul Blood Bank Guard / Reaper
Miltner, Andrea Blood Bank Nurse
Beran, Ladislav Drug Dealer
Sieber, Jiří Maria Blood Bank Guard
Markland, Bridge Vampire with Exposed Spine
Wilson, Jamie Reaper
Luis, Stuart Reaper
Mohyla, Ladislav Reaper
Malík, Jan Reaper
Révai, Jan Reaper
Wild, Mário Reaper
Böhm, Tomás Reaper
Bubák, Zdenek Reaper
Loukota, Jan Reaper
Bursa, Jan Reaper
Krusalnicky, Petr Reaper
Misek, Jaroslav Reaper
Vávrovec, Karel St. Cloud
Peterka, Jaroslav Choad
Kulhavy, Milos Little G
Mares, Ivan Tea Bag
Brown, Lennox Man in London Porno Shop
Hyde-Braithwaite, André Young Blade
Cajzl, Pavel Moscow Vampire (uncredited)
Lounová, Olga Prostitute (uncredited)
Peluso, Stephen R. Paramedic (uncredited)
Salvitti, John Moscow Vampire Attacking Blade (uncredited)
Santos, Rey-Phillip Bandaged Reaper (uncredited)
Tanigaki, Kenji Moscow Vampire Attacking Blade (uncredited)
Woods, Michael Moscow Vampire Attacking Blade (uncredited)
Other People
Director Toro, Guillermo Del
Producer Frankfurt, Peter; Palmer, Patrick J.; Snipes, Wesley
Composer Beltrami, Marco
Studio Marvel Enterprises; New Line Cinema; Amen Ra Films; Milk & Honey; Imaginary Forces; Justin Pictures; Linovo Productions GmbH & Co. KG; Pacific Title and Art Studio
Running Time 117
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

A rare mutation has occurred within the vampire community - The Reaper. A vampire so consumed with an insatiable bloodlust that they prey on vampires as well as humans, transforming victims who are unlucky enough to survive into Reapers themselves. Blade is asked by the Vampire Nation for his help in preventing a nightmare plague that would wipe out both humans and vampires.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles