Medium File
Production Year 2018
Rating PG-13
Genre Drama; Music
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/424694
IMDb Link
Original Title Bohemian Rhapsody
IMDb Rating 8 stars
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Malek, Rami Freddie Mercury
Lee, Gwilym Brian May
Hardy, Ben Roger Taylor
Mazzello, Joseph John Deacon
Boynton, Lucy Mary Austin
Gillen, Aidan John Reid
Hollander, Tom Jim Beach
Myers, Mike Ray Foster
Leech, Allen Paul Prenter
McCusker, Aaron Jim Hutton
Das, Meneka Jer Bulsara
Bhatti, Ace Bomi Bulsara
Blackburn, Priya Kashmira Bulsara
Bennett, Max David
Murphy, Dermot Bob Geldof
Beau, Dickie Kenny Everett
Roth, Jack Tim Staffell
Fox-Roberts, Neil Mr. Austin
Andrew, Philip Reinhold Mack
Radomska, Jess Cheryl
Rauf, Adam Young Farrokh Bulsara
Houston, Matthew Larry Mullen Jr.
Duncan, Michelle Shelley Stern
Watson, Scott Morrison Steve
Lloyd, Devlin Floor Manager
Summers, Garry Voice Doctor
Fredricks, Matthew Freddie's Lover
Kopiecki, Stefan Video Producer
Lally, Pat Journalist
Williamson, Ian Jareth Freddie's Former Lover
Thea, Johanna VIP Party Guest
Lazarus, Adam Raver
Vo, Peter Crowd Member (uncredited)
Atkins, Lasco NYC Meatpacker
Other People
Director Singer, Bryan
Producer Beach, Jim; De Niro, Robert; King, Graham; Singer, Bryan; May, Brian; Oberth, Peter; Taylor, Roger
Writer McCarten, Anthony
Composer Ottman, John
Studio GK Films; Regency Enterprises; Queen Films; Tribeca Productions; New Regency Pictures; 20th Century Fox
Running Time 135
Aspect Ratio 1.33 : 1
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Singer Freddie Mercury, guitarist Brian May, drummer Roger Taylor and bass guitarist John Deacon take the music world by storm when they form the rock 'n' roll band Queen in 1970. Hit songs become instant classics. When Mercury's increasingly wild lifestyle starts to spiral out of control, Queen soon faces its greatest challenge yet – finding a way to keep the band together amid the success and excess.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles
  • Untitled Freddie Mercury Biopic
  • Bohemian Rhapsody: Huyen Thoai Ngoi Sao Nhac Rock
  • Bohemijos Rapsodija
  • Boemska Rapsodija
  • Ð‘Ð¾Ñ ÐµÐ¼ÑÐºÐ° рапсодия
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