Medium File
Production Year 2002
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Drama; Mystery; Thriller
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Bourne Identity, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Damon, Matt Jason Bourne
Potente, Franka Marie Helena Kreutz
Cooper, Chris Alexander Conklin
Owen, Clive The Professor
Cox, Brian Ward Abbott
Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Adewale Nykwana Wombosi
Mann, Gabriel Danny Zorn
Goggins, Walton Research Tech
Hamilton, Josh Research Tech
Stiles, Julia Nicky Parsons
Guerrini, Orso Maria Giancarlo
Dutton, Tim Eamon
Braccini, Denis Picot
Naudé, Nicky Castel
Selburg, David Marshall
Goritsas, Demetri Com Tech
Levy, Russell Manheim
Green, Anthony Security Chief
Saint-Macary, Hubert Morgue Boss
Bamber, David Consulate Clerk
Clause, Gwenael Deauvage
Booz, Emanuel Taxi Driver
Durand, Philippe Morgue Attendant
Franklin, Vincent Rawlins
Frantz, Paulette Concierge
René, Thierry Wombosi Counselor
Frost, Roger Apfel
Gasman, David Deputy DCM
Gilbert, Harry Alain
Lanson, Delphine Alliance Secretary
Cagnard, William Davies
Tenison, Kait Bank Receptionist
Beddelin, Joseph Zurich Cop
Werner, Rainer Zurich Cop
Thynne, Katie Claudia
Lilly, Aaron Marine
Benefield, Ronald Marine
Goode, Bradley J. Marine
Lenhardt, Troy Marine
McNew, Joshua Marine
Montana, Joe Marine
Pawlikowski, John Marine
Rix, Michael Marine
Rizer, Brad Marine
Webster, Andrew Marine
Williams, Houston Marine
Grellier, Alain Salvi
Henriet, Arnaud Wombosi Bodyguard
Bilien, Jean-Yves Wombosi Bodyguard
Erskine, Danny Wombosi Bodyguard
David, Elwin 'Chopper' Wombosi Bodyguard
Other People
Director Liman, Doug
Producer Liman, Doug; Crowley, Patrick; Gladstein, Richard N.
Writer Gilroy, Tony; Herron, W. Blake
Composer Powell, John
Studio Universal Pictures; Hypnotic; Kalima Productions GmbH & Co. KG; Stillking Films; The Kennedy/Marshall Company
Running Time 119
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Wounded to the brink of death and suffering from amnesia, Jason Bourne is rescued at sea by a fisherman. With nothing to go on but a Swiss bank account number, he starts to reconstruct his life, but finds that many people he encounters want him dead. However, Bourne realizes that he has the combat and mental skills of a world-class spy—but who does he work for?

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles