Medium File
Production Year 2004
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Drama; Thriller
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Bourne Supremacy, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Damon, Matt Jason Bourne
Potente, Franka Marie Helene Kreutz
Cox, Brian Ward Abbott
Stiles, Julia Nicky Parsons
Urban, Karl Kirill
Mann, Gabriel Danny Zorn
Allen, Joan Pamela Landy
Csokas, Marton Jarda
Gallop, Tom Tom Cronin
Lloyd, John Bedford Teddy
Sandler, Ethan Kurt
Monaghan, Michelle Kim
Roden, Karel Yuri Gretkov
Arana, Tomas Martin Marshall
Akinshina, Oksana Irena Neski
Sitokhin, Yevgeni Vladimir Neski
Weis, Marina Mrs. Neski
Griffin, Tim John Nevins
Smith, Sean Vic
Kovalevski, Maxim Ivan
Crowley, Patrick Jack Weller
Barclay, Jon Collin Jarhead
Brown, Sam Jarhead
Sinutko, Shane Jarhead
Smith, Barnaby CIA Techie
Chiout, Dominique Waitress
Mues, Wanja Night Clerk
Shmarinov, Aleksey Moscow Taxi Driver
Wolf-Schönburg, Stephan Suspicious Cop
Ludwig, Olov Market Security Guard
Nadkarni, Keshav Mr. Mohan
Bronner, Violetta Gräfin Tarnowska Neski Neighbor
Medvedev, Alexey Young Cop
Dubina, Aleksandr 2nd Cop
Boev, Aleksandr 2nd Taxi Driver
Maniscalco, Claudio Immigration Officer
Witt, Manfred Doorman
Trotsenko, Aleksey Vodka Police Passenger
Unikel, Victoria Mercedes Driver
Semenova, Oksana Mercedes Passenger
Abdulov, Vitaliy Volga Taxi Owner
Schoedon, Dirk Berlin Taxi Driver
Shvedoff, Ivan Moscow Policeman
Burgazliev, Denis Moscow Policeman
Wilder, Nick Delta C.O.
Cooper, Chris Alexander Conklin
Other People
Director Greengrass, Paul
Producer Marshall, Frank; Crowley, Patrick; Sandberg, Paul
Writer Gilroy, Tony
Composer Powell, John
Studio Universal Pictures; The Kennedy/Marshall Company; Hypnotic; Motion Picture THETA Produktionsgesellschaft; Ludlum Entertainment
Running Time 108
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

When a CIA operation to purchase classified Russian documents is blown by a rival agent, who then shows up in the sleepy seaside village where Bourne and Marie have been living. The pair run for their lives and Bourne, who promised retaliation should anyone from his former life attempt contact, is forced to once again take up his life as a trained assassin to survive.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles