Medium File
Production Year 2012
Rating R
Genre Horror; Comedy; Thriller
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Cabin in the Woods, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Connolly, Kristen Dana Polk
Kranz, Fran Marty Mikalski
Hemsworth, Chris Curt Vaughn
Hutchison, Anna Jules Louden
Jenkins, Richard Richard Sitterson
Whitford, Bradley Steve Hadley
Williams, Jesse Holden McCrea
White, Brian J. Daniel Truman
Acker, Amy Wendy Lin
DeZarn, Tim Mordecai
Lenk, Tom Ronald The Intern
Payne, Dan Matthew Buckner
Ferland, Jodelle Patience Buckner
Shea, Dan Father Buckner
Massar, Maya Mother Buckner
Drake, Matt Judah Buckner
Lennarson, Nels Clean Man
Bernard, Rukiya Labcoat Girl
Kelamis, Peter Demo Guy
Holmes, Adrian Demo Guy
Horsdal, Chelah Demo Girl
Chen, Terry Operations Guy
Doerksen, Heather Accountant
Sabongui, Patrick Elevator Guard
Mitchell, Phillip Lead Guard
Dane, Naomi Japanese Floaty Girl
Harvie, Ellie Military Liaison
Gilmore, Patrick Werewolf Wrangler
Dryborough, Brad Chem Department Guy
Kawashima, Emili Japanese Frog Girl
Furukawa, Aya Japanese School Girl
Go, Maria Japanese School Girl
Chi, Serena Akane Japanese School Girl
Imai, Abbey Japanese School Girl
Ishibashi, Marina Japanese School Girl
Katsuura, Miku Japanese School Girl
Lui, Alicia Takase Japanese School Girl
Tabuchi, Jodi Japanese School Girl
Taira, Sara Japanese School Girl
Yamamoto, Alyssandra Japanese School Girl
Cetrone, Richard Werewolf/Merman
Galvan, Phoebe Sugarplum Fairy
Pidgeon, Simon Dismemberment Goblin
Phillips, Matt Dismemberment Goblin
Stewart, Lori Floating Witch
Zach, Greg Fornicus, Lord of Bondage and Pain
Weaver, Sigourney The Director
Notary, Terry The Clown (uncredited)
Other People
Director Goddard, Drew
Producer Whedon, Joss
Writer Goddard, Drew; Whedon, Joss
Composer Julyan, David
Studio Lionsgate; Mutant Enemy Productions
Running Time 95
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Five college friends spend the weekend at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles