Medium File
Production Year 2016
Rating R
Genre Horror; Science Fiction; Thriller
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/168098
IMDb Link
Original Title Cell
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Cusack, John Clayton "Clay" Riddell
Jackson, Samuel L. Thomas "Tom" McCourt
Fuhrman, Isabelle Alice Maxwell
Teague, Owen Jordan
Sarullo, Clark Sharon Riddell
Reynolds, Anthony Ray
Burns, Erin Elizabeth Denise
Keach, Stacy Charles Ardai
Avest, Alex Ter Chloe
Fitzgerald, Wilbur Geoff
Mikel, Joshua Raggedy Man
Dyer, Catherine Sally
Freeman, Griffin Mike Mattick
Casto, Ethan Andrew Johnny Riddell
Kaufman, Lloyd Bystander
Ashworth, Mark Bartender
Mitchell, E. Roger Roscoe
Leyner, Gaby Maddy
Hernandez, Rey Cop (Rick)
Johnson, Jr., Frederick C. Cop's Partner
Beasley, Michael Construction Worker
Freeman, Griffin Teenager / Mike
Kerr, Mandi Christine Bluetooth Woman (as Mandi Kerr)
Boland, Brian Businessman
Humphrey, Alexis Phoner Screamer
McFarr, Tony Escalator Phoner
Davidovich, Elizabeth Airport Phoner / Tavern Phoner / Chaos Phoner
Boxie, Shellita Foot Chase Phoner
Santandrea, Maya Foot Chase Phoner
Coletti, Marcelle Foot Chase Phoner
Bateman, Danya Foot Chase Phoner
Ross, John Bored Man
Badger, Jennifer Bored Woman
Candece, Jwaundace Tackled Person (as Candace Jwaundace)
Tresan, Greg TSA Agent
Steele, Remington Kashwak Phoner
Baird, Tammie Kashwak Phoner
Loeser, Scott Kashwak Phoner
Howard, Damita Jane Kashwak Phoner (as Danita Howard)
Other People
Director Williams, Tod
Producer Kay, Shara; Witten, Brian; Benaroya, Michael; Saperstein, Richard
Writer Alleca, Adam; King, Stephen
Composer Zarvos, Marcelo
Studio Cargo Entertainment; 120dB Films; Benaroya Pictures; The Genre Co.; International Film Trust
Running Time 98
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

When a strange signal pulsates through all cell phone networks worldwide, it starts a murderous epidemic of epic proportions when users become bloodthirsty creatures, and a group of people in New England are among the survivors to deal with the ensuing chaos after.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles