Medium File
Production Year 1977
Rating PG
Genre Science Fiction; Drama
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Close Encounters of the Third Kind
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Dreyfuss, Richard Roy Neary
Truffaut, François Claude Lacombe
Garr, Teri Ronnie Neary
Dillon, Melinda Jillian Guiler
Balaban, Bob David Laughlin
McNamara, J. Patrick Project Leader
Kemmerling, Warren J. Wild Bill
Guffey, Cary Barry Guiler
Dreyfuss, Justin Toby Neary
Henriksen, Lance Robert
Connally, Merrill Team Leader
Douglass, Amy Implantee
Dynarski, Gene Ike
Weathers, Carl Military Policeman
Bartold, Norman Norman Bartold
O'Neil, F. J. ARP Project Member
Barwood, Hal Returnee #2 Flt. 19
Dodds, Phil ARP Musician
Robbins, Matthew Returnee #3 Flt. 19
Anderson, David Air Traffic Controller
Rader, Gene Hawker
Nunez, Daniel Federale
Franco, Chuy Federale
Contreras, Luis Federale
Thompson, Galen Special Forces
Johnston, John Dennis Special Forces
Broyles, Robert Dirty Tricks #3
Jordan, Monty Special Forces Commander / Helicopter Pilot (uncredited)
Hoffman, Basil Longly (uncredited)
Powers, Stephen UN Observer (uncredited)
DiCenzo, George Major Benchley
Lockwood, Alexander Implantee
Blossom, Roberts Farmer
Sommer, Josef Larry Butler
Thurman, Bill Air Traffic
Keane, James Radio Telescope Team
Hynek, J. Allen Himself - Smoking Pipe at Landing Site (uncredited)
Smith, Howard K. Howard K. Smith (uncredited)
Campbell, Adrienne Sylvia Neary
Dodds, Philip Jean Claude
Bishop, Shawn Brad Neary
Gafrey, Mary Mrs. Harris
Dyer, Michael J. Himself
Ernest, Roger Highway Patrolman
Hermann, Randy Returnee #1 Flt. 19
Hawkins, Richard L. Air Traffic Controller
Shreeve, Craig Air Traffic
Richards, Roy E. Air East Pilot
Blanco, Eumenio Federale
McMullen, Dennis Radio Telescope Team
Young, Cy Radio Telescope Team
Howard, Tom Radio Telescope Team
Stuart, Richard Truck Dispatcher
Westmoreland, Bob Load Dispatcher
Emery, Matt Support Leader
Ewing, John Dirty Tricks #1
Raymond, Kirk Dirty Tricks #4
Atkinson, Keith Dirty Tricks #2
Sr., Bennett Wayne Dean Scientist (uncredited)
Other People
Director Spielberg, Steven
Producer Paylow, Clark L.; Phillips, Julia; Phillips, Michael
Composer Williams, John
Studio Julia Phillips and Michael Phillips Productions; Columbia Pictures; EMI Films
Running Time 135
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

After an encounter with UFOs, a line worker feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles