Medium File
Production Year 2016
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Adventure; Fantasy; Science Fiction
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/284052
IMDb Link
Original Title Doctor Strange
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Cumberbatch, Benedict Stephen Strange / Doctor Strange
Ejiofor, Chiwetel Karl Mordo
McAdams, Rachel Dr. Christine Palmer
Mikkelsen, Mads Kaecilius
Swinton, Tilda The Ancient One
Wong, Benedict Wong
Stuhlbarg, Michael Dr. Nicodemus West
Bratt, Benjamin Jonathan Pangborn
Adkins, Scott Lucian / Strong Zealot
Phythian, Zara Brunette Zealot
Safi, Alaa Tall Zealot
Durden, Katrina Blonde Zealot
Wresniwiro, Topo Hamir
Ulgen, Umit Sol Rama
Duan, Linda Louise Tina Minoru
Brighton, Mark Anthony Daniel Drumm
Syal, Meera Dr. Patel
Landecker, Amy Dr. Bruner
Pelta-Pauls, Adam Nurse Billy
Malin, Sarah Dr. Garrison
Young, Eben Dr. Weiss
Holdbrook-Smith, Kobna Physical Therapist
Healey, Elizabeth Concerned Doctor
Faure, Guillaume Reluctant Surgeon
Dow, Daniel Mugger
Lee, Stan Bus Passenger
Khan, Ezra Kamar-Taj Librarian
Van Luin, Kimberly Bullet Patient's Wife
Kiernan, Pat Himself
Albert, Alister Junior Doctor (uncredited)
Allen, Moya Alexis Scrub Nurse (uncredited)
Armstrong, Mairead Consultant Boardroom Doctor (uncredited)
Awasti, Raj Street Passerby (uncredited)
Boor, Annarie Orderly (uncredited)
Briggins, Dante Orderly (uncredited)
Buchanan, Jill Physio Patient (uncredited)
Chen, Alice Hong Kong Woman (uncredited)
Collaco, Bern Orderly (uncredited)
Eaton, Anna Elizabeth Beauty (uncredited)
Eghan, Daniel Hospital Visitor (uncredited)
Feliz, Juani Girl on the Bus (uncredited)
Ferraro, Cliff Pedestrian (uncredited)
Francis, Sian Claire Scrub Nurse (uncredited)
Galeano, Ulises Pedestrian (uncredited)
Gayles, Martavious Orderly (uncredited)
Holland, Leigh Pedestrian (uncredited)
Idriss, Mo New York Pedestrian (uncredited)
Katon-Donegal, Tamika Assistant (uncredited)
Logan, Faith Pedestrian (uncredited)
Love, Tyrone Merc Driver (uncredited)
Alinia, Pezhmaan Doctor (uncredited)
Miura, Kei Hong Kong Officer (uncredited)
Moon, Cameron Sadhu (uncredited)
Nagai, Shina Shihoko Martial Artist / Waitress (uncredited)
Ng, Emily Restaurant Passerby (uncredited)
Nwolie, Emeson Man in Street (uncredited)
Patel, Jag Pedestrian (uncredited)
Pliatsikas, Andreas Pedestrian (uncredited)
Rodriguez, Henardo Pedestrian (uncredited)
Russell, Samantha Apprentice (uncredited)
Santiago, Michelle Driver (uncredited)
Shore, Nancy Ellen New York Pedestrian / Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Simmons, Tina New York Tourist (uncredited)
Slack, Rachel Emma NYC Pedestrian (uncredited)
So, Clem Kamar-Taj Disciple (uncredited)
Hemsworth, Chris Thor Odinson (uncredited)
Other People
Director Derrickson, Scott
Producer Feige, Kevin
Composer Giacchino, Michael
Studio Marvel Studios
Running Time 115
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

After his career is destroyed, a brilliant but arrogant surgeon gets a new lease on life when a sorcerer takes him under her wing and trains him to defend the world against evil.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles