Medium File
Production Year 2013
Rating R
Genre Action; Thriller
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/107846
IMDb Link
Original Title Escape Plan
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Stallone, Sylvester Ray Breslin
Schwarzenegger, Arnold Emil Rottmayer
Caviezel, Jim Willard Hobbes
Jones, Vinnie Drake
D'Onofrio, Vincent Lester Clark
Neill, Sam Dr. Kyrie
Ryan, Amy Abigail Ross
Cent, 50 Hush
Gerald, Matt Roag
Tahir, Faran Javed
Balfe, Caitriona Jessica Miller
Martinez, David Joseph Captain Baradah
Rayme, Alec Pilot
Stokes, Christian Babcock
Leitch, David Second Lieutenant
Hull, Lydia Receptionist
Oerly, Brian Skinhead Prisoner
Chase, Jeff Prisoner Beaten By Breslin
Papajohn, Michael Prisoner Beaten By Breslin
Cook, Christopher Matthew Voice (voice)
Amor, Jay Sleek Moroccan
Armijo, John L. Inmate / Moroccan Cop
Aviel, Joseph Prison Guard
Bell, Tim State Trooper
Krueger, Steven Gabriel
Rawlings, James Babylon Guard
Beckel, Graham Brims
Moore, Jaylen Console Guard #1
Livaudais, Stephen Console Guard #2
Feaster, Rodney Front Gate Guard
Salas, Eric R Screaming Prisoner
Rauter, Dieter Rottmayer Stand-In
Other People
Director Håfström, Mikael
Producer Brenner, Robbie; Canton, Mark; Emmett, Randall; Templeton, Kevin King; Chase, Remington
Writer Chapman, Miles; Keller, Jason
Composer Heffes, Alex
Studio Knightsbridge Entertainment; Summit Entertainment; Atmosphere Entertainment MM; Emmett/Furla Films; Mark Canton Productions; Boies / Schiller Film Group; Envision Entertainment
Running Time 115
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Ray Breslin is the world's foremost authority on structural security. After analyzing every high security prison and learning a vast array of survival skills so he can design escape-proof prisons, his skills are put to the test. He's framed and incarcerated in a master prison he designed himself. He needs to escape and find the person who put him behind bars.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles