Medium File
Production Year 2017
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Science Fiction; Thriller
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/274855
IMDb Link
Original Title Geostorm
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Butler, Gerard Jake Lawson
Lara, Alexandra Maria Ute Fassbinder
Sturgess, Jim Max Lawson
Cornish, Abbie U.S. Secret Service Agent Sarah Wilson
Harris, Ed U.S. Secretary of State Leonard Dekkom
García, Andy U.S. President Andrew Palma
Beetz, Zazie Dana
Derbez, Eugenio Al Hernandez
Sheehan, Robert Duncan Taylor
Lee, David S. Lead Henchman Rico
Bateman, Talitha Hannah Lawson
Wu, Daniel Cheng Long
Oduye, Adepero Eni Adisa
Waked, Amr Ray Dussette
Schiff, Richard Virginia Senator Thomas Cross
Slaughter, Billy Karl Dright
Choi, Tom Chinese Representative Lee
Winningham, Mare Dr. Jennings
Garcia-Lorido, Daniella Mickey
Montgomery, Ritchie Mike
Lormand, Judd Richard Hill
Parker, Corey Mendell Lammy
Ashton, Catherine British Tech
Chun, Arnold Japanese Tech
Newsome, Randall Vice President Miller
Braud, Sean Paul Dixon
Rul, Anastasiya Russian Woman
Denton, Julia Hannah's Mom
Antonio, Carlos Uniformed Guard
Drago, Joe Senior NASA Tech
Griffin, Douglas M. NASA Tech (Mission Control)
Burt, Blake UN Private (as Blake C. Burt)
Roberts, Derek Major Collner
Other People
Director Devlin, Dean
Producer Devlin, Dean; Ellison, David; Goldberg, Dana
Composer Balfe, Lorne
Studio Twisted Media; Stereo D; Skydance Media; RatPac-Dune Entertainment; Electric Entertainment; Warner Bros. Pictures
Running Time 109
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

After an unprecedented series of natural disasters threatened the planet, the world's leaders came together to create an intricate network of satellites to control the global climate and keep everyone safe. But now, something has gone wrong: the system built to protect Earth is attacking it, and it becomes a race against the clock to uncover the real threat before a worldwide geostorm wipes out everything and everyone along with it.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles