Medium File
Production Year 2014
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Adventure; Fantasy
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/122917
IMDb Link
Original Title Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Freeman, Martin Bilbo Baggins
McKellen, Ian Gandalf
Armitage, Richard Thorin Oakenshield
Cumberbatch, Benedict Smaug / Necromancer (voice)
Blanchett, Cate Galadriel
Stott, Ken Balin
McTavish, Graham Dwalin
Turner, Aidan Kili
O'Gorman, Dean Fili
Callen, John Oin
Hambleton, Peter Gloin
Hadlow, Mark Dori
Brophy, Jed Nori
Brown, Adam Ori
Kircher, William Bifur
Nesbitt, James Bofur
Hunter, Stephen Bombur
Pace, Lee Thranduil
Bloom, Orlando Legolas
Lilly, Evangeline Tauriel
Weaving, Hugo Elrond
Lee, Christopher Saruman
Holm, Ian Old Bilbo
McCoy, Sylvester Radagast
Persbrandt, Mikael Beorn
Evans, Luke Bard
Fry, Stephen Master of Laketown
Gage, Ryan Alfrid
Bell, John Bain
Nesbitt, Peggy Sigrid
Nesbitt, Mary Tilda
Bennett, Manu Azog
Tui, John Bolg
Connolly, Billy Dain
Kilgour, Kelly Soury
Peirse, Sarah Hilda Bianca
Blake, Nick Percy
London, Simon Feren
Stevens, Conan Keeper of the Dungeons
Smith, Allan Ragash
Harcourt, Miranda Olga
McKenzie, Thomasin Astrid
Other People
Director Jackson, Peter
Producer Cunningham, Carolynne; Jackson, Peter; Walsh, Fran; Weiner, Zane
Writer Toro, Guillermo Del; Jackson, Peter; Boyens, Philippa; Walsh, Fran
Composer Shore, Howard
Studio Warner Bros. Pictures; WingNut Films; New Line Cinema; 3Foot7; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Running Time 144
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Immediately after the events of The Desolation of Smaug, Bilbo and the dwarves try to defend Erebor's mountain of treasure from others who claim it: the men of the ruined Laketown and the elves of Mirkwood. Meanwhile an army of Orcs led by Azog the Defiler is marching on Erebor, fueled by the rise of the dark lord Sauron. Dwarves, elves and men must unite, and the hope for Middle-Earth falls into Bilbo's hands.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles