Medium File
Production Year 2017
Rating R
Genre Drama; Horror; Thriller
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/346364
IMDb Link
Original Title It
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Lieberher, Jaeden Bill Denbrough
Lillis, Sophia Beverly Marsh
Taylor, Jeremy Ray Ben Hanscom
Wolfhard, Finn Richie Tozier
Jacobs, Chosen Mike Hanlon
Grazer, Jack Dylan Eddie Kaspbrak
Oleff, Wyatt Stanley Uris
Skarsgård, Bill Pennywise
Hamilton, Nicholas Henry Bowers
Sim, Jake Belch Huggins
Thompson, Logan Victor Criss
Teague, Owen Patrick Hockstetter
Scott, Jackson Robert Georgie Denbrough
Bogaert, Stephen Al Marsh
Hughes, Stuart Officer Oscar 'Butch' Bowers
Pounsett, Geoffrey Zach Denbrough
Dwyer, Pip Sharon Denbrough
Atkinson, Molly Sonia Kasprak
Williams, Steven Leroy Hanlon
Saunders, Elizabeth Mrs. Starret
Charpentier, Megan Gretta Keene
Bostick, Joe Mr. Keene
Cohen, Ari Rabbi Uris
Ulc, Anthony Joe the Butcher
Botet, Javier The Leper
Lunman, Katie Betty Ripsom
Musselman, Carter Headless Boy
Lee, Tatum Judith
Inksetter, Edie Hostess
Gibson, Martha Old Woman
Rayner, Kasie Field Hockey Girl #1
Nélisse, Isabelle Girl in Bathroom
Mattka, Jocelyn Another Girl
Tripe, Don Old Man in Car
Gordon, Liz Old Woman in Car
Rosamond, Paige Dead Girl #1
Crone, Neil Chief Borton
Gascón, Sonia Mrs. Ripsom
Porter, Janet Stanley's Mother
Capt., Memo Díaz 4th of July Clown
Vachon, Chantal Girl in Magazine
Campanella, Roberto Organ Player Clown
Katzenberg, David El Aparato (uncredited)
Day, Cyndy Pharmacy Cashier (uncredited)
Van der Burg, Kelly Abigail (uncredited)
Moyer, Kate Esther (uncredited)
Lenihan, Aimee Student (uncredited)
Lenihan, Kylie Student (uncredited)
Wolf, Becky Girl on Street (uncredited)
Other People
Director Muschietti, Andy
Producer Grahame-Smith, Seth; Katzenberg, David; Lee, Roy; Lin, Dan; Muschietti, Barbara
Studio RatPac-Dune Entertainment; New Line Cinema; Vertigo Entertainment; Lin Pictures; KatzSmith Productions
Running Time 134
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

In a small town in Maine, seven children known as The Losers Club come face to face with life problems, bullies and a monster that takes the shape of a clown called Pennywise.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles