Medium File
Production Year 2012
Rating PG
Genre Crime; Drama; Thriller
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Jack Reacher
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Cruise, Tom Jack Reacher
Pike, Rosamund Helen Rodin
Jenkins, Richard Alex Rodin
Oyelowo, David Emerson
Herzog, Werner Zec Chelovek
Courtney, Jai Charlie
Sizov, Vladimir Vlad
Sikora, Joseph James Barr
Raymond-James, Michael Linsky
Fast, Alexia Sandy
Helman, Josh Jeb Oliver
Duvall, Robert Martin Cash
Kelly, James Martin Rob Farrior
Kussman, Dylan Gary
Milord, Denver Punk
Yorks, Julia Chrissie Farrior
Forester, Nicole Nancy Holt
Picart, Delilah Rita Coronado
Coyle, Joe Darren Sawyer
Murton, Alicia Mrs. Sawyer
Gannon, Peter Mr. Archer
Whalen, David Mr. Holt
Guest, Sophie Little Girl
Minor, Michael Eyewitness
Martin, Scott A. Wesley
Ramirez, CJ Secretary
Clark, Teri Night Manager
Faubel, Jarid Man on Bus
Lindsey, Sara Woman on Bus
Jeanes, Jace Zec's Thug
Runtso, Andrei Zec's Thug
Kvaraciejus, Efka Zec's Thug
Child, Lee Desk Sergeant
Lafitte, Tommy Man with Ballcap
Dalton, Kristen Mindy
Trovillion, Jordan Goodwill Cashier
Kitral, Annie Pawn Shop Cashier
Gulick, Lissy Diner Waitress
Albers, Catherine Jeb's Mom
Emanuele, Larissa Sportsbar Waitress
McCune, Jason Construction Foreman
Callahan, Shane SWAT Guy
Reese, Joshua Elijah SWAT Guy
Hollabaugh, Nathan Cop
Stadulis, Christopher Cop
Angelo, Susan Oline Archer
Elma, Tristan Marcos Coronado
Fishel, Joe SWAT
Liscio, Robert Man in Bar (uncredited)
Other People
Director McQuarrie, Christopher
Producer Granger, Don; Levinsohn, Gary; Wagner, Paula; Cruise, Tom
Writer McQuarrie, Christopher
Composer Kraemer, Joe
Studio Paramount; Mutual Film Company; TC Productions; Skydance Media
Running Time 130
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

When a gunman takes five lives with six shots, all evidence points to the suspect in custody. On interrogation, the suspect offers up a single note: "Get Jack Reacher!" So begins an extraordinary chase for the truth, pitting Jack Reacher against an unexpected enemy, with a skill for violence and a secret to keep.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles