Medium File
Production Year 2013
Rating R
Genre Action; Drama; Thriller; War
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/193756
IMDb Link
Original Title Lone Survivor
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Wahlberg, Mark Petty Officer First Class Marcus Luttrell
Kitsch, Taylor Lieutenant Michael "Mike" Murphy
Hirsch, Emile Petty Officer Second Class Danny Dietz
Foster, Ben Petty Officer Second Class Matthew "Axe" Axelson
Bana, Eric Lieutenant Commander Erik Kristensen
Suliman, Ali Mohammad Gulab
Ludwig, Alexander Petty Officer Second Class Shane Patton
Azami, Yousuf Shah
Sheik, Sammy Taraq
Ting, Rich James Suh
Bilzerian, Dan Healy
Ferrara, Jerry Hasslert
Vargas, Rick Crew Chief
Elrod, Scott QRF SEAL
Rockwood, Gregory Chinook Pilot #1
Kay, Ryan Chinook Pilot #2
Griffin, Patrick Chinook Co-Pilot
Berry, Josh Communication SEAL
Steinig, Eric SEAL Lieutenant
Shepard, David CJSOTF Commander
Tade, Justin CJSOTF Marine
Jones, Sterling Bagram Comms Guy
Riggins, Jason 50 Cal Gunner
Page, Matthew Army Intel Guy
Patel, Nicholas Goat Boy
Arroyo, Daniel Teenage Goat Boy
Rahimi, Zarin Goat Man
Chand, Rohan Gulab's Young Son
McKenzie, Anthony TOC Senior Air Officer
Call, Brian TOC SEAL
Antonio, Ishmael Doctor
Cloud, Samuel J. JAG
Bici, Perparim "Peter" Communication SEAL Perry
Penzi, Henry Penzi
Loerke, Robert Captain Jacoby
Carlson, Kurt Captain Lovas
Fulcoly, Daniel Lieutenant Andrews
Herrmann, Michael P. Wallace
Craig, Paul "EOD" Paul
Mirzai, Zabiullah Zabi
Hocker, John Hocker
Doudell, Robert H. Village Elder
Shamam, Hillel Michael Angry Villager
Blanchet, Edmund PJ #1
Cusic, Jim PJ #2
Large, Corey SEAL Captain Kenney (uncredited)
Berg, Peter Soldier (uncredited)
Other People
Director Berg, Peter
Producer Aubrey, Sarah; Emmett, Randall; Goldsman, Akiva; Herrick, Norton; Spikings, Barry; Wahlberg, Mark; Levinson, Stephen; Grigoriants, Vitaly; Berg, Peter
Composer Jablonsky, Steve
Studio Emmett/Furla Films; Envision Entertainment; Film 44; Herrick Entertainment; Leverage; Spikings Entertainment; Single Berry; Closest to the Hole Productions
Running Time 121
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Four Navy SEALs on a covert mission to neutralize a high-level al-Qaeda operative must make an impossible moral decision in the mountains of Afghanistan that leads them into an enemy ambush. As they confront unthinkable odds, the SEALs must find reserves of strength and resilience to fight to the finish.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles