Medium File
Production Year 2014
Rating PG
Genre Fantasy; Adventure; Action; Family; Romance
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/102651
IMDb Link
Original Title Maleficent
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Jolie, Angelina Maleficent
Fanning, Elle Princess Aurora
Copley, Sharlto Stefan
Riley, Sam Diaval
Temple, Juno Thistletwit
Staunton, Imelda Knotgrass
Manville, Lesley Flittle
Thwaites, Brenton Prince Phillip
Molloy, Isobelle Young Maleficent
Richardson, Miranda Queen Ulla
Sives, Jamie Shepherd
Regbo, Toby Young Stefan
Cranham, Kenneth King Henry
New, Hannah Princess Leila
Purnell, Ella Teen Maleficent
Flind, Sarah Princess Leila's Handmaiden
Bews, Jackson Teen Stefan
Wright, Angus Advisor to King Henry
Maltman, Oliver Advisor to King Henry
Cargill, Gary Nobleman
O'Toole, John Nobleman
Attwell, Harry Nobleman
May, Anthony Nobleman
Hicks, James Military Nobleman
Chase, Stephan General
Caven, Mark General
Leaney, Chris Servant in Wing Room
Maclachlan, Jamie Soldier in Wood
Jolie-Pitt, Vivienne Aurora (5 yrs.)
Worthington-Cox, Eleanor Aurora (8 yrs.)
MacMillan, John Captain
Treloar, Tim Farmer
Reed, Peter G. Guard (voice)
Corlett, Marama Servant
McKenna, Liam King Henry's Captain
Cree, Steven Overseer
Fox, Sandy Fairies / Creatures (voice)
McTeer, Janet Narrator (voice)
Anderson, Karen Blue Suit Performer (uncredited)
Atkins, Lasco King Henry Soldier (uncredited)
Ayling, James Stefans Guard (uncredited)
Brough, Sophie-Anna Courtier (uncredited)
Camp, Alfred King Henry's General (uncredited)
Cross, Raf Young Man (uncredited)
Donald, Nick Stefan's Guard (uncredited)
Douglas, Terri Curse Voice, Fairies, Creatures (uncredited)
Driver, Damon Court Jester (uncredited)
Dyer, Josh Stefan's Soldier / Henry's Soldier (uncredited)
Elstob, Stephanie Dancer (uncredited)
Fuller, Ellis Courtier (uncredited)
Garner, Craig Blue Suit Performer (uncredited)
Gillison, Alexander King Henry's Solider (uncredited)
Gugenheim, Victoria Courtier (uncredited)
Harland, Daniel Courtier (uncredited)
Hayworth, Kara Lily Pixie Reader (uncredited)
Heartstone, John Soldier / Courtier (uncredited)
Hookings, Matt Stefan's Soldier (uncredited)
Izzard, Craig King Henry's Soldier (uncredited)
Jerome, Ceri Dancer (uncredited)
Jolie-Pitt, Zahara Girl (uncredited)
Jones, Lee Edward Blue Suit Performer (uncredited)
Klecz, Hrvoje Courtier (uncredited)
Marek, Alex Servant (uncredited)
Menezes, João Costa Palace Guard (uncredited)
Mkrtchyan, Karen Courtier (uncredited)
Morley, Matthew John King Stefan's Army (uncredited)
Nice, Steven John Courtier (uncredited)
Osmond, Edd Blue Suit Performer (uncredited)
Osmond, Jo Blue Suit Performer (uncredited)
Porter, Andrew James King Henry's Soldier (uncredited)
Potter, Guy Stefan's Page (uncredited)
Rolfe, Marc King Stefans Guard (uncredited)
Roth-Round, Jd Palace Guard (uncredited)
Seager, Julian Stefan's General (uncredited)
Stacey, Peter Soldier / Courtier (uncredited)
Stisen, Daniel Screen Combat, Soldier (uncredited)
Summers-Calvert, Richard Stefan Guard (uncredited)
Suter, Leo Young Man (uncredited)
Swacha, Tom Courtier (uncredited)
Westwood, Daniel Special action soldier (uncredited)
Wolf-La'Moy, Christian Courtier at Christening (uncredited)
Other People
Director Stromberg, Robert
Producer Hahn, Don
Writer Woolverton, Linda
Composer Howard, James Newton
Studio Walt Disney Pictures; Roth Films
Running Time 97
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

A beautiful, pure-hearted young woman, Maleficent has an idyllic life growing up in a peaceable forest kingdom, until one day when an invading army threatens the harmony of the land. Maleficent rises to be the land's fiercest protector, but she ultimately suffers a ruthless betrayal – an act that begins to turn her heart into stone. Bent on revenge, Maleficent faces an epic battle with the invading King's successor and, as a result, places a curse upon his newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Maleficent realizes that Aurora holds the key to peace in the kingdom – and to Maleficent's true happiness as well.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles