Medium File
Production Year 2003
Rating R
Genre Adventure; Action; Thriller; Science Fiction
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Matrix Reloaded, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Reeves, Keanu Thomas "Neo" Anderson
Moss, Carrie-Anne Trinity
Fishburne, Laurence Morpheus
Weaving, Hugo Agent Smith
Bakaitis, Helmut The Architect
Bastoni, Steve Soren
Battee, Don Vector
Bellucci, Monica Persephone
Bernhardt, Daniel Agent Johnson
Berry, Valerie Priestess
Bliss, Ian Bane
Bogatko, Liliana Old Woman at Zion
Budd, Michael Zion Controller
Burke, Stoney Bike Carrier Driver
Butler, Kelly Ice
Byrnes, Josephine Zion Virtual Control Operator
Campos, Noris Woman with Groceries
Chou, Collin Seraph
Cotter, Paul Corrupt
Cummins, Marlene Another Old Woman at Zion
Davidhazy, Attila Young Thomas Anderson at 12
Davis, Essie Maggie
Dixon, Terrell Wurm
Edgerton, Nash Security Guard #5
Foster, Gloria Oracle
Franklin, David Maitre D'
Galuppo, Austin Young Thomas Anderson at 4
Gaye, Nona Zee
Heath, Daryl A.P.U. Escort
Jones, Jr., Roy Captain Ballard
Kennard, Malcolm Abel
Kilde, David Agent Jackson
Kim, Randall Duk The Keymaker
Kirby, Christopher Mauser
Lamb, Peter Colt
Lees, Nathaniel Mifune
Lennix, Harry Commander Lock
Lynch, Tony Computer Room Technician
Mammone, Robert AK
Mbakwe, Joshua Link's Nephew
McColm, Matt Agent Thompson
Mitchell, Chris Power Station Guard
Morris, Steve Computer Room Guard
Mussett, Tory Beautiful Woman at Le Vrai
Naufahu, Rene Zion Gate Operator
Nevin, Robyn Councillor Dillard
No, David William Cain
O'Reilly, Genevieve Officer Wirtz
Otto, Socratis Operator
Perrineau, Harold Link
Smith, Jada Pinkett Niobe
Rain, Montaño Young Thomas Anderson at 8
Rayment, Adrian Twin #2
Rayment, Neil Twin #1
Reid, Rupert Lock's Lieutenant
Wilson, Lambert The Merovingian
West, Cornel Councillor West
Roberts, David Roland
Rodrigo, Shane C. Ajax
Scoggin, Nick Gidim Truck Driver
Scott, Kevin 18 Wheel Trucker
Simpson, Tahei Binary
Stevens, Frankie Tirant
Thomas, Nicandro Young Thomas Anderson at 2
Torres, Gina Cas
Valli, Andrew Police #1
Vella, Steve Malachi
Walton, John Security Bunker Guard
Watson, Clayton Kid
Whannell, Leigh Axel
White, Bernard Rama-Kandra
Zerbe, Anthony Councillor Hamann
McLean, Scott Security Bunker Guard #2
Wong, Anthony Brandon Ghost
Other People
Director Wachowski, Lilly; Wachowski, Lana
Producer Silver, Joel
Writer Wachowski, Lilly; Wachowski, Lana
Composer Davis, Don
Studio Heineken Branded Entertainment; Village Roadshow Pictures; Silver Pictures; NPV Entertainment; Warner Bros. Pictures
Running Time 138
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Six months after the events depicted in The Matrix, Neo has proved to be a good omen for the free humans, as more and more humans are being freed from the matrix and brought to Zion, the one and only stronghold of the Resistance. Neo himself has discovered his superpowers including super speed, ability to see the codes of the things inside the matrix and a certain degree of pre-cognition. But a nasty piece of news hits the human resistance: 250,000 machine sentinels are digging to Zion and would reach them in 72 hours. As Zion prepares for the ultimate war, Neo, Morpheus and Trinity are advised by the Oracle to find the Keymaker who would help them reach the Source. Meanwhile Neo's recurrent dreams depicting Trinity's death have got him worried and as if it was not enough, Agent Smith has somehow escaped deletion, has become more powerful than before and has fixed Neo as his next target.

Personal Rating
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Publication Year

Alternative Titles