Medium File
Production Year 1947
Rating PG
Genre Comedy; Drama; Family
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Miracle on 34th Street
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Gwenn, Edmund Kris Kringle
Wood, Natalie Susan Walker
O'Hara, Maureen Doris Walker
Payne, John Fred Gailey
Hall, Porter Mr. Sawyer
Tonge, Philip Mr. Shellhammer
Greenman, Alvin Alfred
Antrim, Harry Mr. Macy
Seay, James Dr. Pierce
Lockhart, Gene Judge Henry X. Harper
Frawley, William Halloran
Cowan, Jerome Thomas Mara
Hyatt, Robert Tommy Mara
Lyden, Marlene Dutch Girl
Bliss, Lela Mrs. Shellhammer
Heyes, Herbert Mr. Gimbel
Harris, Theresa Cleo
Helton, Percy Intoxicated Santa
Ritter, Thelma Shopper at Macy's
Field, Mary Dutch Girl's Mother (uncredited)
Albertson, Jack Postal Sorter (uncredited)
Staunton, Ann Mrs. Mara (uncredited)
Boyle, Walden Judge's Clerk (uncredited)
Christy, Dorothy Secretary (uncredited)
Cogan, Dick Department Store Head (uncredited)
Corey, Jeff Reporter (uncredited)
Donovan, Mike Court Bailiff (uncredited)
Forrest, William Doctor Rogers at Bellevue (uncredited)
Gargan, Jack Chauffeur (uncredited)
Gist, Robert Department Store Window Dresser (uncredited)
Green, Jane Mrs. Harper (uncredited)
Hammer, Alvin George (uncredited)
Hoehne, Jr., William Sam the Clerk (uncredited)
Howat, Clark Patron in Macy's Lunchroom (uncredited)
Irving, Richard Reporter (uncredited)
Karnes, Robert Second Bellevue Intern (uncredited)
Marsh, Mae Woman in Santa Line (uncredited)
O'Neal, Anne Secretary to Mr. Sawyer (uncredited)
Pollard, 'Snub' Mail-Bearing Court Officer (uncredited)
Raker, Lorin Macy's Salesman (uncredited)
Reeves, Bob Court Officer Bearing Mail (uncredited)
Roberts, Stephen Security Guard (uncredited)
Sayre, Jeffrey Courtroom Reporter (uncredited)
Shirley, Irene R.H. Macy's Secretary (uncredited)
Spiker, Ray Court Officer Bearing Mail (uncredited)
Sullivan, Brick Guard (uncredited)
Sydes, Anthony Peter (uncredited)
Thomajan, Guy Lou (uncredited)
Other People
Director Seaton, George
Producer Perlberg, William
Writer Seaton, George
Composer Mockridge, Cyril J.
Studio 20th Century Fox
Running Time 96
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Black & White
Plot Summary

Kris Kringle, seemingly the embodiment of Santa Claus, is asked to portray the jolly old fellow at Macy's following his performance in the Thanksgiving Day parade. His portrayal is so complete that many begin to question if he truly is Santa Claus, while others question his sanity.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles