Medium File
Production Year 2017
Rating PG-13
Genre Fantasy; Thriller; Action; Adventure; Horror
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/282035
IMDb Link
Original Title Mummy, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Cruise, Tom Nick Morton
Wallis, Annabelle Jennifer "Jenny" Halsey
Boutella, Sofia Ahmanet
Johnson, Jake Chris Vail
Vance, Courtney B. Colonel Greenway
Crowe, Russell Dr. Henry Jekyll / Mr. Edward Hyde
Kenzari, Marwan Malik
Maskell, Neil Dr. Whemple
Botet, Javier Set
Brooke, Andrew Mr. Brooke
Rasalingam, Selva King Menehptre
Shaik, Shanina Arabian Princess
Smith, Dylan Pilot
Howard, Hadrian MP
Kempton, Rez Construction Manager
Georgiou, Bella Ava Fourth Technician
Burnett, David Tunnel Agent
Thompson, Stephen First Man
Arama, James Second Man
Chok, Vera Prodigium Tech
Love, Tyrone Prodigium Agent
Michael, Sean Cameron Archaeologist
Bishop, Martin Senior Technician
Atherton, Simon Crusader
Wilkas, Matthew Reporter
Kapila, Sohm Reporter
Ismail, Erol Ahmanet's Warrior
Sawyers, Parker Co-Pilot
Croker, Rhona Helen
Allsop, Timothy Worker
Chilton, Grace Woman in Toilet
Ankrah, Hannah Woman in Toilet
Kussman, Dylan Writer Tech
Lofsgard, Peter Spider Technician
Zaza, Shane Technician
Hewkin, Alice Technician
Tuite, Daniel Prodigium Technician
McEwan, Noof Technician in Chamber
Grace, Maryam Female Tech
Cullingford, Sonya Undead
Cox-Davies, Fionn Undead
Cortes, Neus Gil Undead
Thompson-Smith, Emily Undead
Deheselle, Stéphane Undead
Fairminer, Madeleine Undead
Rhyner, Michèle Paleta Undead
Davidson, Christian Tourist (uncredited)
Haydon, Michael Tourist (uncredited)
Justified, Solomon Taiwo Tourist (uncredited)
Nagai, Shina Shihoko Museum Tourist (uncredited)
Matthewson, Jason Museum Guy (uncredited)
Burke, Kelly Museum Visitor (uncredited)
Albakry, Mouna Museum Visitor (uncredited)
Ballesteros, Chasty Kira Lee (uncredited)
Saunders, Emma Louise Museum Visitor (uncredited)
Other People
Director Kurtzman, Alex
Producer Kurtzman, Alex; Morgan, Chris; Daniel, Sean; Orci, Roberto
Writer McQuarrie, Christopher; Koepp, David; Kussman, Dylan
Composer Tyler, Brian
Studio Secret Hideout; Universal Pictures; Dark Universe; Sean Daniel Company; Perfect World Pictures; Dentsu
Running Time 110
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Though safely entombed in a crypt deep beneath the unforgiving desert, an ancient queen whose destiny was unjustly taken from her is awakened in our current day, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles