Medium File
Production Year 2018
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Fantasy; Science Fiction; Adventure
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/268896
IMDb Link
Original Title Pacific Rim: Uprising
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Boyega, John Jake Pentecost
Eastwood, Scott Nate Lambert
Spaeny, Cailee Amara Namani
Tian, Jing Liwen Shao
Kikuchi, Rinko Mako Mori
Gorman, Burn Dr. Hermann Gottlieb
Elba, Idris Stacker Pentecost
Arjona, Adria Jules Reyes
Jin, Zhang Marshal Quan
Day, Charlie Dr. Newton Geiszler
McGraw, Madeleine Young Amara Namani
Brar, Karan Suresh Khuran
Sakhno, Ivanna Viktoriya 'Vik' Malikova
Arata, Mackenyu Ryoichi
Wong, Wesley Ou-Yang Jinhai
Meaden, Levi Ilya
Adams, Rahart Tahima Shaheen
Zhu, Zhu Juen
Tarabay, Nick E. Sonny
Clare, Dustin Joseph Burke
Feuerriegel, Daniel Lieutenant Allan Gronetti
Ji, Lily Meilin Gao
Rodriguez, Shyrley Renata
McLain, Ellen Gipsy Avenger A. I. (voice)
Kalidi, Sam Dr. Kostas
Slater, Jamie Captain McKinney
Lan, Yingying Ah Lam Xiang
Zitong, Chen Daiyu
Qian, Yongchen Lieutenant Qiao
Other People
Director DeKnight, Steven S.
Producer Toro, Guillermo Del; Jashni, Jon; Parent, Mary; Tull, Thomas; Oguns, Femi; Boyega, John; Boyter, Cale
Writer Carmichael, Emily; Snyder, Kira; DeKnight, Steven S.; Nowlin, T. S.
Composer Balfe, Lorne
Studio Legendary Entertainment; Double Dare You Productions; UpperRoom Productions; Universal Pictures; Dentsu; Clear Angle Studios; Double Negative (DNEG); Fuji Television Network; Perfect World Pictures; Twisted Media
Running Time 111
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

It has been ten years since The Battle of the Breach and the oceans are still, but restless. Vindicated by the victory at the Breach, the Jaeger program has evolved into the most powerful global defense force in human history. The PPDC now calls upon the best and brightest to rise up and become the next generation of heroes when the Kaiju threat returns.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles