Medium File
Production Year 2003
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Adventure; Mystery; Science Fiction; Thriller
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Paycheck
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Affleck, Ben Jennings
Eckhart, Aaron Rethrick
Thurman, Uma Rachel
Giamatti, Paul Shorty
Feore, Colm Wolfe
Morton, Joe Agent Dodge
Hall, Michael C. Agent Klein
Friedman, Peter Attorney General Brown
Morris, Kathryn Rita Dunne
Miličević, Ivana Maya-Rachel
Kennedy, Christopher Stevens
Cecere, Fulvio Agent Fuman
Cassini, John Agent Mitchell
Rennie, Callum Keith Jude - Guard
Harrison, Michelle Jane
Holmes, Emily Betsy - Salesgirl
Mink, Claudette Sara Rethrick
Cross, Kendall Scientist
Haggquist, Catherine Lough Scientist
Allen, Krista Holographic Woman
Zwick, Ryan Street Kid
Jackson, Dee Jay Guard
Houde, Serge Dekker
Finlayson, Calvin Balloon Boy
Scheelar, Darryl Plain Clothes Federal Agent
Brandon, Mark Lottery Host
Haskett, Roger Lottery Official
Wright, Steve Allcom Helicopter Pilot
Hosking, Craig FBI Helicopter Pilot
Hope, Barclay Suit
Shinkoda, Peter Suit
Lewis, David Suit
Clark, Robert String Quartet
Siradze, Andrea String Quartet
Roland, Isabelle String Quartet
Caton, Peter String Quartet
Robbins, Ryan Husband
Ha, Benita Wife
Horsdal, Chelah Young Mother
March, Craig Janitor
Calder, Jason Wolfe Goon
Godenir, Mike Wolfe Goon
Kelly, Brad Wolfe Goon
Connolly, Brent Wolfe Goon
Anderson, Michelle Nursery Customer
Berlanga, Lori Nursery Customer
Other People
Director Woo, John
Producer Chang, Terence; Davis, John; Hackett, Michael; Woo, John
Writer Georgaris, Dean
Composer Powell, John
Studio Province of British Columbia Film Incentive BC; Paramount; Davis Entertainment; Lion Rock Productions; Solomon/Hackett Productions; DreamWorks
Running Time 119
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Michael Jennings is a genius who's hired – and paid handsomely – by high-tech firms to work on highly sensitive projects, after which his short-term memory is erased so he's incapable of breaching security. But at the end of a three-year job, he's told he isn't getting a paycheck and instead receives a mysterious envelope. In it are clues he must piece together to find out why he wasn't paid – and why he's now in hot water.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles