Medium File
Production Year 2004
Rating G
Genre Adventure; Animation; Family; Fantasy
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Polar Express, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Hanks, Tom Hero Boy / Father / Conductor / Hobo / Scrooge / Santa Claus (voice)
Jeter, Michael Smokey / Steamer (voice)
Gaye, Nona Hero Girl (voice)
Scolari, Peter Lonely Boy Billy (voice)
Deezen, Eddie Know-It-All (voice)
Zemeckis, Leslie Sister Sarah / Mother (voice)
Tyler, Steven Elf Lieutenant (voice)
Renee, Julene Red Head Girl (voice)
Coppola, Chris Toothless Boy (voice)
Fleischer, Charles Elf General (voice)
Sabara, Daryl Hero Boy (voice)
Hutcherson, Josh Hero Boy (additional motion capture)
Peregrina, Isabella Sister Sarah (voice)
Holloway, Ashly Sister Sarah (additional motion capture)
Pinchak, Jimmy 'Jax' Know-it-all Kid (additional motion capture)
Kachingwe, Tinashe Hero Girl (motion-capture modelling)
Valdivieso, Chantel Hero Girl (additional motion capture modelling)
Valdivieso, Chantel Hero Girl (additional motion capture)
Moore, Meagan Hero Girl (singing voice)
Bennett, Jimmy Lonely Boy Billy (voice)
McFarland, Hayden Lonely Boy Billy (additional motion capture)
Hall, Matthew Lonely Boy Billy (singing voice)
Cash, Dylan Boy on Train (voice)
Sogliuzzo, André Smokey and Steamer (voice)
King, Brendan Pastry Chef
Pellick, Andy Pastry Chef
Matheus, Connor Toothless Boy
Sabara, Evan Young Boy
Pastula, Dante Little Boy
Eli, Josh Waiter
Mendonca, Mark Waiter
Hendricks, Rolandas Waiter
Goodman, Mark Waiter
Scott, Jon Waiter
Gast, Gregory Waiter
Hart, Gordon Waiter
Fondacaro, Phil Elf
Carrington, Debbie Lee Elf
Povinelli, Mark Elf
Gale, Ed Elf
Newton, Eric Acrobatic Elf
O'Shea, Aidan Acrobatic Elf
Hendry, Aaron Acrobatic Elf
Carr, Kevin C. Acrobatic Elf
Joyer, Bee Jay Acrobatic Elf
Carpenter, Jena Acrobatic Elf
Mauffrey, Karine Acrobatic Elf
Carpenter, Elisabeth P. Acrobatic Elf
Forchion, Bill Acrobatic Elf
Henderson, Devin Acrobatic Elf
Ben-Binyamin, Sagiv Acrobatic Elf
Other People
Director Zemeckis, Robert
Producer Goetzman, Gary; Starkey, Steve; Teitler, William; Zemeckis, Robert
Writer Zemeckis, Robert; Broyles, Jr., William
Composer Silvestri, Alan
Studio Golden Mean; Playtone; ImageMovers
Running Time 100
Aspect Ratio 2.39 : 1
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

When a doubting young boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery that shows him that the wonder of life never fades for those who believe.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles