Medium File
Production Year 1998
Rating R
Genre Drama; Crime
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Rounders
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Damon, Matt Mike McDermott
Turturro, John Joey Knish
Mol, Gretchen Jo
Visnjic, Goran Maurice
Norton, Edward Lester 'Worm' Murph
Malkovich, John Teddy KGB
Janssen, Famke Petra
Landau, Martin Abe Petrovsky
Lawrence, Mal Z. Irving
Cicero, Paul Russian Thug
Iannicelli, Ray Kenny
Goldsmith, Merwin Sy
Zito, Sonny Tony
Mostel, Josh Zagosh
Clarke, Lenny Savino
Yoshida, Peter Henry Lin
Boryea, Jay Russian Thug #2
Venito, Lenny Moogie
Mawe, Richard Professor Eisen
Lombardi, Michael D.A. Shields
Aldredge, Tom Judge Marinacci
Aldredge, Tom Judge Kaplan
Yavne, E. Matthew Professor Green
Harvey, Erik LaRay Roy
Marcus, Dominic Dowling
Wilson, Brian Anthony Derald
Kmeck, George Prison Guard
Parisi, Joseph Property Guard
Kanakaredes, Melina Barbara
Sudduth, Kohl Wagner
Matthes, Charlie Birch
Jacobs, Hank Steiny
Messina, Chris Higgins
Segal, Michael Ryan Griggs
O'Malley, Kerry Kelly
Schoot, Slava Roman
Rispoli, Michael Grama
Zanes, Michele Taj Dealer
Havey, Allan Guberman
Vega, Joey Freddy Face
Hemphill, Neal Claude
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. Judge McKinnon
Chan, Johnny Johnny Chan
Gorlitsky, Lisa Sherry
Benedetto, John Di LaRossa
Brier, Nicole Sunshine
Hoty, Tony Taki
Mendoza, Mario Zizzo
Zaloom, Joe Cronos
Richards, Sal Johnny Gold
Pais, Josh Weitz
Gallagher, Jr., John Bartender
LeFevre, Adam Sean Frye
Brown, P. J. Vitter
Zayas, David Osborne
Arkin, Michael Bear
Guyer, Murphy Detweiler
Davidson, Alan Cabbie
Camp, Bill Eisenberg
Other People
Director Dahl, John
Producer Demme, Ted; Stillerman, Joel; Weinstein, Harvey
Writer Levien, David
Composer Young, Christopher
Studio Spanky Pictures; Miramax
Running Time 121
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

A young man is a reformed gambler who must return to playing big stakes poker to help a friend pay off loan sharks.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles