Medium File
Production Year 2017
Rating R
Genre Drama; Fantasy; Romance
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/399055
IMDb Link
Original Title Shape of Water, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Hawkins, Sally Elisa Esposito
Jones, Doug The Asset
Shannon, Michael Richard Strickland
Jenkins, Richard Giles
Spencer, Octavia Zelda Fuller
Stuhlbarg, Michael Dr. Robert Hoffstetler
Hewlett, David Fleming
Searcy, Nick General Hoyt
Arnott, Stewart Bernard
Bennett, Nigel Mihalkov
Smith, Lauren Lee Elaine Strickland
Roach, Martin Brewster Fuller
Fulton, Allegra Yolanda
Kapelos, John Mr. Arzounian
Kelly, Morgan Pie Guy
Lyon, Wendy Sally
Ferguson, Madison Tammy Strickland
Greig, Jayden Timmy Strickland
Forrest, Deney Lou
McKnight, Brandon Duane
Viergever, Dru Military Policeman
Day, Cyndy Pie Guy's Fiancée
Kaye, Marvin Burly Russian
Pagiamtzis, Jim 1960's Ad Man
Laurie, Cameron Car Passenger
Pankratov, Alexey Soviet violinist
Jarvis, Shane Clinton Military Police
Akimov, Evgeny Restaurant Musician
Reachill, Dave Scientist
Mease, Matthew Military Police
Smith, Amanda Mrs. Peabody
Grossman, Maxine Bus Passenger
Tracz, Edward Amphibian Man Dance Double
D'Onofrio, Shaila Elisa Dance Double
Oude-Reimerink, Vanessa Russian Band
Nikonov, Sergey Russian Band
Gunderson, Jonelle Bus Passenger #1
Whitham, Cylde Wet Cinema Patron
Lett, Dan Cadillac Salesman
Waugh, Danny African American Husband
Glave, Karen African American Wife
Fuentes, Diego Worker
Thompson, Cody Ray Guard
Other People
Director Toro, Guillermo Del
Producer Dale, J. Miles; Toro, Guillermo Del
Writer Taylor, Vanessa; Toro, Guillermo Del
Studio Double Dare You Productions; Fox Searchlight Pictures; Bull Productions; TSG Entertainment
Running Time 123
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

An other-worldly story, set against the backdrop of Cold War era America circa 1962, where a mute janitor working at a lab falls in love with an amphibious man being held captive there and devises a plan to help him escape.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles