Medium File
Production Year 1997
Rating TV-PG
Genre Animation; Action; Crime; Drama; Fantasy; Horror; Thriller
TMDb Link
IMDb Link https://www.imd...itle/tt0118475/
Original Title Spawn
IMDb Rating 8 stars
Type TV_Show
On-Air 1997-1999
Actor/Actress Role
Other People
Director Dippé, Mark A. Z.
Producer McClure, Maryann T.; Perrotta, Laura V.; Fitzgerald, Terry; Horne, Karen; Paul, Hali; White, Randall; Winder, Catherine
Writer McElroy, Alan B.
Composer Revell, Graeme
Studio HBO Animation; Home Box Office (HBO); McFarlane Films
Running Time 30
Aspect Ratio 1.78 : 1
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

A government trained assassin in life, A vengeful hellspawn in death. Brought back from the dead to join Hell's army and release his carnage on anyone that may get in his way. Heaven and Hell battle for his already torn soul, while he wanders the alleys protecting the innocent and destroying the corrupt who disrupt the lives of the innocent. In the meantime he faces the tragedy of his death and the fact that he has been sent to Hell and he must also face the reality of losing his wife to an old friend.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles
  • Todd McFarlane's Spawn
  • Todd McFarlane's Spawn 2
  • Todd McFarlane's Spawn 3
  • Spawn 3: Ultimate Battle
  • Spawn - Soldado Do Inferno III
  • Australia:M
  • Canada:14A
  • Canada:14
  • Canada:13+
  • Canada:16+
  • Canada:13+
  • Canada:18A
  • Canada:18+
  • Canada:R
  • Canada:14A
  • Russia:18+
  • Russia:16+
  • Singapore:M18
  • Singapore:NC-16
  • Singapore:M18
  • United Kingdom:18
  • United States:TV-MA
  • United States:PG-13
  • United States:PG-13