Medium File
Production Year 1991
Rating R
Genre Action; Thriller; Science Fiction
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Terminator 2: Judgment Day
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Schwarzenegger, Arnold Terminator
Hamilton, Linda Sarah Connor
Patrick, Robert T-1000
Furlong, Edward John Connor
Edwards, Michael Old John Connor
Morton, Joe Dr. Miles Bennett Dyson
Boen, Earl Dr. Peter Silberman
Goldstein, Jenette Janelle Voight
Berkeley, Xander Todd Voight
Merkerson, S. Epatha Tarissa Dyson
Guerra, Castulo Enrique Salceda
Cooksey, Danny Tim
Thorsen, Sven-Ole Mall Security Guard (uncredited)
Nixon, DeVaughn Danny Dyson
Gibbel, Ken Douglas
Winley, Robert Cigar Biker
Schrum, Pete Lloyd
Lake, Don Mossberg
Vidan, Richard Weatherby
Palmer, Jim Jock
Stanton, Don Lewis the Guard
Stanton, Dan Lewis as T-1000
Lynch, Colin Patrick Attendant
Cox, Nikki Girl
Simotes, Tony Vault Guard
Razzac, Abdul Salaam El Gibbons
Muscat, Mike Moshier
Norris, Dean SWAT Team Leader
Tamburro, Charles A. Police Chopper Pilot
Evans, Terrence Tanker Truck Driver
Pierce, Denney Burly Attendant
Lawrence, Mark Christopher Burly Attendant
Van Ling, Cyberdyne Tech
Williams, Gerard G. Jock
DeLuca, Martin Cyberdyne Tech (uncredited)
Shaw, Scott Cyberdyne Tech (uncredited)
Kramer, Joel Male Nurse (uncredited)
Ruskin, Richard Frisbee Player (uncredited)
Walker, Randy SWAT Officer (uncredited)
Wisher, Jr., William Galleria Photographer / Cop (uncredited)
Fish, Nancy Roadside Window Woman (Special Edition Restoration)
Hamilton, Dalton Baby John Connor
Other People
Director Cameron, James
Producer Cameron, James
Composer Fiedel, Brad
Studio T2 Productions; Lightstorm Entertainment; Pacific Western; Canal+; Carolco Pictures
Running Time 137
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Nearly 10 years have passed since Sarah Connor was targeted for termination by a cyborg from the future. Now her son, John, the future leader of the resistance, is the target for a newer, more deadly terminator. Once again, the resistance has managed to send a protector back to attempt to save John and his mother Sarah.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles