Medium File
Production Year 2009
Rating PG-13
Genre Adventure; Fantasy; Drama; Romance
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Twilight Saga: New Moon, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Stewart, Kristen Bella Swan
Pattinson, Robert Edward Cullen
Lautner, Taylor Jacob Black
Burke, Billy Charlie Swan
Greene, Ashley Alice Cullen
Rathbone, Jackson Jasper Hale
Facinelli, Peter Carlisle Cullen
Reaser, Elizabeth Esme Cullen
Lutz, Kellan Emmett Cullen
Reed, Nikki Rosalie Hale
Gathegi, Edi Laurent Da Revin
Lefevre, Rachelle Victoria Sutherland
Kendrick, Anna Jessica Stanley
Welch, Michael Mike Newton
Serratos, Christian Angela Weber
Birmingham, Gil Billy Black
Greene, Graham Harry Clearwater
Sheen, Michael Aro Volturi
Bower, Jamie Campbell Caius Volturi
Fanning, Dakota Jane Volturi
Heyerdahl, Christopher Marcus Volturi
Bright, Cameron Alec Volturi
Chon, Justin Eric Yorkie
Houseman, Tyson Quil Ateara
Cudmore, Daniel Felix Volturi
Bewley, Charlie Demetri Volturi
Spencer, Chaske Sam Uley
Gordon, Kiowa Embry Call
Meraz, Alex Paul Lahote
Pelletier, Bronson Jared Cameron
Korey, Tinsel Emily Young
Wachsberger, Justine Gianna
Seear, Noot Heidi Volturi
Roberts, Russell Mr. Berty
Dorval, Adrien Bob Marks
Adamthwaite, Michael Chet
Jastrzembska, Christina Marie Higginbotham
Other People
Director Weitz, Chris
Producer Bannerman, Bill; Godfrey, Wyck; Kohansky-Roberts, Kerry; Roker, David; Rosenfelt, Karen
Writer Rosenberg, Melissa
Composer Desplat, Alexandre
Studio Summit Entertainment; Temple Hill Entertainment; Maverick Films; Imprint Entertainment; Sunswept Entertainment
Running Time 130
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Forks, Washington resident Bella Swan is reeling from the departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen, and finds comfort in her friendship with Jacob Black, a werewolf. But before she knows it, she's thrust into a centuries-old conflict, and her desire to be with Edward at any cost leads her to take greater and greater risks.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles