Medium File
Production Year 2009
Rating PG-13
Genre Adventure; Action; Thriller; Science Fiction
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title X-Men Origins: Wolverine
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Jackman, Hugh Logan / Wolverine / Weapon X
Schreiber, Liev Victor Creed / Sabretooth
Huston, Danny Stryker
Collins, Lynn Kayla Silverfox / Silver Fox
Reynolds, Ryan Wade Wilson / Deadpool / Weapon XI
Am, Will. I. John Wraith / Kestrel
Kitsch, Taylor Remy LeBeau / The Gambit
Durand, Kevin Fred Dukes / Blob
Monaghan, Dominic Chris Bradley / Bolt
Henney, Daniel David North / Agent Zero
Pocock, Tim Scott Summers / Cyclops
Blake, Julia Heather Hudson
Cullen, Max Travis Hudson
Sivan, Troye James
Olsen, Michael James Young Victor
O'Brien, Peter John Howlett
Jeffery, Aaron Thomas Logan
Parkinson, Alice Elizabeth Howlett
Patterson, Philip A. Firing Squad Leader
Gee, Anthony Carnival Guy
Clemens, Adelaide Carnival Girl
Beattie, Karl School Child
O'Sullivan, Tom Logging Supervisor
Pollard, Myles Phelan
Anderton, Stephen Marcuse
Sadrinna, Chris Van Mier
Caton, Septimus Bartender
Dale, Matthew Surgeon
Butler, Nathin Male Nurse #1
Barry, Peter Male Nurse #2
Ritchie, David Dr. Cornelius
Keddie, Asher Dr. Carol Frost
Otto, Socratis Lead Technician - Alkali Lake
Leeder, Stephen General Munson
Dever, James D. Platoon Leader
Obuga, Martin Muttering Man
Connell, Rita Affua Nervous African Woman
Shrimpton, John Stryker Aide
Browne, Henry Curtis
Tozzi, Tahyna Kayla's Sister / Emma
Negreanu, Daniel Poker Player
Davies, Alexandra Woman of the Night
Battee, Don Huge Doorman
Sturrock, Evan Drunken Man in Alley
Flanagan, Rob Driver
Kae-Kazim, Hakeem African Businessman
Araya, Alison Teacher
Breker, Eric Special Forces Commander
Bui, Eileen Vietnamese Child
Griffiths, Adrian G. Hunter #1
Chief-Moon, Bryon Hunter #2
Dopud, Mike Vietnam Army Officer
Ilg, Beatrice Waitress
Takegishi, Kanako Waitress
Panou Tank Soldier
Phan, Johnson Vietnamese Man
Thai, Elizabeth Vietnamese Woman
Tang, Jade Mutant Twin #1
Tang, Joelle Mutant Twin #2
Adkins, Scott Weapon XI
Young, Warwick Helicopter Pilot
Kreusler, Dennis Soldier (uncredited)
Stewart, Patrick Charles Xavier / Professor X
Other People
Director Hood, Gavin
Producer Jackman, Hugh; Donner, Lauren Shuler
Writer Benioff, David
Studio Marvel Entertainment; The Donners' Company; Dune Entertainment; Seed Productions; Bad Hat Harry Productions; Big Screen Productions; 20th Century Fox
Running Time 107
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

After seeking to live a normal life, Logan sets out to avenge the death of his girlfriend by undergoing the mutant Weapon X program and becoming Wolverine.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles