Medium File
Production Year 2013
Rating PG-13
Genre Fantasy; Science Fiction; Animation; Action; Adventure
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/183011
IMDb Link
Original Title Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Chambers, Justin Barry Allen / The Flash (voice)
Conroy, Kevin Bruce Wayne / Batman (voice)
McKidd, Kevin Thomas Wayne / Flashpoint Batman (voice)
Jordan, Michael B. Victor Stone / Cyborg (voice)
Howell, C. Thomas Professor Eobard "Zoom" Thawne / Reverse-Flash (voice)
Marshall, Vanessa Wonder Woman (voice)
Elwes, Cary Orin / Arthur Curry / Aquaman (voice)
Daly, Sam Clark Kent / Kal-El / Superman (voice)
Delany, Dana Lois Lane (voice)
Fillion, Nathan Hal Jordan / Green Lantern (voice)
Huston, Danny General Sam Lane (voice)
Perlman, Ron Slade Wilson / Deathstroke (voice)
Baker, Dee Bradley Etrigan the Demon / Top / Canterbury Cricket (voice)
Blum, Steve Lex Luthor / Captain Thunder (voice)
DeLisle, Grey Nora Allen / Young Barry Allen / Martha Wayne / Joker (voice)
Jacobs, Danny Grifter / Captain Cold (voice)
Hale, Jennifer Iris West / Billy Batson (voice)
Jessop, Peter Dr. Vulko (voice)
Richardson, Kevin Michael President of the United States (voice)
Walch, Hynden Yo-Yo (voice)
Romano, Andrea Doris / Central City Newsreader (voice)
Milo, Candi Persephone / Pedro Pena (voice)
Stuart, James Patrick Steve Trevor / George "Digger" Harkness / Captain Boomerang / Orm Marius / Ocean Master (voice)
Beach, Michael Black Manta (voice)
Other People
Director Oliva, Jay
Producer Tucker, James
Writer Krieg, James
Studio Studio 4°C; DC Comics; Warner Bros. Animation; DC Entertainment
Running Time 75
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

When time travel allows a past wrong to be righted for The Flash and his family, the ripples of the event prove disastrous as a fractured, alternate reality now exists where a Justice League never formed, and even Superman is nowhere to be found. Teaming with a grittier, more violent Dark Knight and Cyborg, Flash races to restore the continuity of his original timeline while this new world is ravaged by a fierce war between Wonder Woman's Amazons and Aquaman’s Atlanteans.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles