Medium File
Production Year 2017
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Adventure; Comedy; Fantasy; Science Fiction
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/284053
IMDb Link
Original Title Thor: Ragnarok
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Hemsworth, Chris Thor
Hiddleston, Tom Loki
Blanchett, Cate Hela
Elba, Idris Heimdall
Goldblum, Jeff Grandmaster
Thompson, Tessa Scrapper 142 / Valkyrie
Urban, Karl Skurge
Ruffalo, Mark Bruce Banner / Hulk
Hopkins, Anthony Odin
Waititi, Taika Korg / Surtur / Hulk (mo-cap)
Asano, Tadanobu Hogun
Stevenson, Ray Volstagg
Levi, Zachary Fandral
Cumberbatch, Benedict Dr. Stephen Strange
House, Rachel Topaz
Brown, Clancy Surtur (voice)
Johansson, Scarlett Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Lee, Stan Barber
Neill, Sam Actor Odin
Hemsworth, Luke Actor Thor
Damon, Matt Actor Loki
Nicdao, Charlotte Actor Sif
Blizzard, Georgia Asgardian Date #1
Golden, Amali Asgardian Date #2
Ricardo, Ashley Odin's Assistant
Brune-Franklin, Shalom College Girl #1
Hemsworth, Taylor College Girl #2
Holloway, Cohen Lead Scrapper
Seror-O'Neill, Alia Golden Lady #1
Laryea, Sophia Golden Lady #2
Oliver, Stephen Cousin Carlo
Parkinson, Hamish Beerbot 5000
Bagg, Jasper Warden
Castanho, Sky Asgardian Daughter
Sebbens, Shari Asgardian Mother
Green, Richard Asgardian Uncle
Castanho, Sol Asgardian Son
Tranter, Jet Valkyrie Sister #1
Hopper, Samantha Valkyrie Sister #2
Winestock, Eloise Asgardian Woman
Mayes, Rob Asgardian Man
Jade, Tahlia Asgardian
Mzembe, Winnie Asgardian
Frazer, Sean Edward Asgardian
Zegenhagen, Connor Asgardian
Filmer, Tracie Asgardian
Maxwell, Tracey Lee Asgardian Servant
Ward, Beatrice Asgardian Citizen (uncredited)
Baxter, Donnie GM Pilot
Carew-Johns, Greta Grandmaster VIP
Green, Adam New York businessman
McGregor, Mollie Twin Sakaaran citizen
McGregor, Sophia Twin Sakaaran citizen
Other People
Director Waititi, Taika
Producer Feige, Kevin
Composer Mothersbaugh, Mark
Studio Marvel Studios; Walt Disney Pictures
Running Time 130
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Thor is on the other side of the universe and finds himself in a race against time to get back to Asgard to stop Ragnarok, the prophecy of destruction to his homeworld and the end of Asgardian civilization, at the hands of an all-powerful new threat, the ruthless Hela.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles