Medium File
Production Year 1999
Rating R
Genre Comedy; Romance
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title American Pie
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Biggs, Jason Jim Levenstein
Klein, Chris Chris 'Oz' Ostreicher
Nicholas, Thomas Ian Kevin Meyers
Hannigan, Alyson Michelle Flaherty
Elizabeth, Shannon Nadia
Reid, Tara Victoria 'Vicky' Lathum
Thomas, Eddie Kaye Paul Finch
Scott, Seann William Steve Stifler
Levy, Eugene Jim's Father
Lyonne, Natasha Jessica
Suvari, Mena Heather
Coolidge, Jennifer Stifler's Mom
Owen, Chris Chuck Sherman
Lively, Eric Albert
Cheek, Molly Jim's Mother
Cho, John John
Isfeld, Justin Justin
Marienthal, Eli Matt Stifler
Subkoff, Tara College Girl
Pressman, Lawrence Coach Marshall
Kusatsu, Clyde English Teacher
Milian, Christina Band Member
Schultz, Woody Party Guy
Riegel, Eden Sarah, the Sophomore Chick
Graham, Akuyoe Vocal Jazz Teacher
Lauren, Veronica Vocal Jazz Girl
McSwain, Monica Vocal Jazz Girl
Sheridan, Fletcher Vocal Jazz Group
Roth, Robyn Vocal Jazz Group
Cargo, Jamar Vocal Jazz Group
Barrese, Sasha Courtney, the Random Cute Girl
Gehringer, Linda Vicky's Mom
Bach, Jillian Bathroom Girl
Lansdale, Katie Enthralled Girl
DeBello, James Enthusiastic Guy
Aimer, Travis Cody Computer Nerd
Hoppus, Mark Garage Band Member
DeLonge, Tom Garage Band Member
Spink, Daniel Guy with Monkey
Ford, Clementine Computer Girl
Erklin, Casey Drinking Buddy
Affleck, Casey Tom Myers (uncredited)
Angelo, Hilary Girl Holding Out
Other People
Director Weitz, Paul; Weitz, Chris
Producer Moore, Chris; Perry, Craig; Weitz, Chris; Zide, Warren
Writer Herz, Adam
Composer Lawrence, David
Studio Summit Entertainment; Universal Pictures; Newmarket Capital Group; Zide-Perry Productions
Running Time 95
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

At a high-school party, four friends find that losing their collective virginity isn't as easy as they had thought. But they still believe that they need to do so before college. To motivate themselves, they enter a pact to all "score" by their senior prom.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles