Medium File
Production Year
Rating TV-14
Genre Action; Adventure; Drama; Sci-Fi
TMDb Link
IMDb Link https://www.imd...itle/tt0407362/
Original Title
IMDb Rating 8 stars
Type TV_Show
On-Air 2004-2009
Actor/Actress Role
Other People
Producer Frand, Harvey; Leonard, Paul M.; Thompson, Bradley; Weddle, David; Rymer, Michael; Halpern, James; McArthur, Sian; Seklir, Andrew; Brunner, Trisha; Tilson, Gregg; Pierce, Laird
Studio British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB); David Eick Productions; NBC Universal Television; R&D TV; Stanford Pictures (II); Universal Media Studios (UMS)
Running Time 44
Aspect Ratio 1.78 : 1
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

The second war against the Cylons is over, and The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed. Now Commander Adama of the Battlestar Galatica and President Laura Roslin lead a ragtag fleet of refugees in a supposed search for the fabled lost thirteenth colony, Earth. However, the dangers they face are many, which compound an already difficult situation. In addition to the Cylons hunting and attacking the fleet in space and their infiltrator units carrying out sabotage--even as their former unwitting pawn, Gaius Baltar, helps in the hunt for them while hiding both his own guilt and the strange presence that haunts his every thought--the fleet also faces internal political conflict in which the rabble-rousing figure Tom Zarek is merely the loudest dissenting voice, not to mention recurring shortages of food, water, and even oxygen. In the midst of these trials, however, clues begin to appear to suggest that Adama's bluff about finding Earth might hold more truth than anyone could have guessed.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles
  • BSG
  • Galáctica
  • Galáctica, Estrella de Combate
  • Galáctica: Astronave de Combate
  • Taisteluplaneetta Galactica
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  • United States:TV-14
  • United States:TV-PG