Medium File
Production Year 2011
Rating PG-13
Genre Adventure; Fantasy; Action
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Thor
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Hemsworth, Chris Thor Odinson
Portman, Natalie Jane Foster
Hiddleston, Tom Loki
Hopkins, Anthony Odin
Skarsgård, Stellan Erik Selvig
Elba, Idris Heimdall
Gregg, Clark Agent Phil Coulson
Dennings, Kat Darcy Lewis
Stevenson, Ray Volstagg
Asano, Tadanobu Hogun
Dallas, Josh Fandral
Alexander, Jaimie Sif
Feore, Colm King Laufey
Russo, Rene Frigga
Barraza, Adriana Isabela Alvarez
Hernández, Maximiliano Agent Sitwell
Cetrone, Richard Frost Giant Captain
Kendrick, Darren Frost Giant Sentry
Cox, Joshua Frost Giant Hailstrum
Smith, Justice Jesse Frost Giant Brute
Gatt, Joseph Frost Giant Grundroth
Massy, Luke Frost Giant Raze
Ducey, Matthew Einherjar Guard
Camp, Jason Einherjar Guard
Sosthand, Buddy Agent Delancey
Silver, Blake Techie
McShane, Jamie Agent Jackson
Godboldo, Dale Agent Garrett
Demsey, Patrick O'Brien Agent Cale
Palmer, Jim SHIELD Guard
Coltan, Seth Townie
Straczynski, J. Michael Townie
Schaefer, Ryan Townie
Battaglia, Matt Pete
Lee, Stan Stan the Man
McCrary, Joel Drunk Townie
Kappy, Isaac Pet Store Clerk
Lopez, Juliet Admission Nurse
Mars, Rob Orderly
Lazar, Carrie Viking Mother
Graham, Harley Viking Child
Wright, Alexander Viking Elder
Pingle, Hilary Viking
Young, Shawn-Caulin Viking
Simonson, Walt Guest
McLean, Kinsey Viking
Hawthorne, Kelly Viking
Goyo, Dakota Young Thor
Allpress, Ted Young Loki
Tait, Douglas Frost Giant
Jackson, Samuel L. Nick Fury
Renner, Jeremy Clint Barton
Other People
Director Branagh, Kenneth
Producer Feige, Kevin
Writer Miller, Ashley Edward; Stentz, Zack; Payne, Don
Composer Doyle, Patrick
Studio Marvel Studios
Running Time 115
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles