Medium File
Production Year 2014
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Adventure; Fantasy; Science Fiction
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/127585
IMDb Link
Original Title X-Men: Days of Future Past
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Jackman, Hugh Logan / Wolverine
McAvoy, James Charles Xavier / Professor X (Young)
Fassbender, Michael Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto (Young)
Lawrence, Jennifer Raven Darkholme / Mystique
Berry, Halle Ororo Munroe / Storm
Paquin, Anna Marie D'Ancanto / Rogue
Page, Ellen Katherine "Kitty" Pryde / Shadowcat
Dinklage, Peter Bolivar Trask
McKellen, Ian Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto (Old)
Stewart, Patrick Charles Xavier / Professor X (Old)
Hoult, Nicholas Hank McCoy / Beast
Grammer, Kelsey Hank McCoy / Beast (older)
Ashmore, Shawn Bobby Drake / Iceman
Sy, Omar Lucas Bishop
Peters, Evan Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver
Helman, Josh William Stryker
Cudmore, Daniel Piotr Rasputin / Colossus
Bingbing, Fan Clarice Ferguson / Blink
Canto, Adan Roberto da Costa / Sunspot
Stewart, Booboo James Proudstar / Warpath
Janssen, Famke Jean Grey / Phoenix
Marsden, James Scott Summers / Cyclops
Till, Lucas Alex Summers / Havok
Jonigkeit, Evan Mortimer Toynbee / Toad
Wein, Len Congresman Davis
Claremont, Chris Congressman Parker
Lerner, Michael Senator Brickman
Lowe, Gregg Ink
Camacho, Mark President Richard Nixon
Singer, Bryan Man with a movie camera
Pedder, Brendan En Sabah Nur
Standjofski, Harry Groundskeeper
Dopud, Mike Pinstripe Mafioso
Apergis, Andreas Col. Sanders
Montcalm, Robert Vietnam MP Guard
Smith-Johnson, Jaa Mutant Soldier
Ivanovici, Alex Quarantine Doctor
Paquette, François Congressman McCarter
Guevara, Zabryna Trask Secretary
Leverman, Zehra Ms. Maximoff
Galuppo, Angela Pentagon Tour Guide
Cornfoot, Victor Surveillance Guard
Skagford, Brent Surveillance Guard
Gatehouse, Kyle Pentagon Cook
Tyler, Taris Pentagon Elevator Guard
Scheelar, Darryl Armed Kitchen Guard
Le, Thai-Hoa General Nhuan
Tran, Johnny Vietnamese Captain
Hlady, Gregory General Petrov
Casey, Julian Peace Summit Reporter
Crooks, Robert Nixon Aide
Cooke, Matt Secretary of Defense
Post, Tim US Army General
Deline, Jason Desk Anchor
Vanasse, Karine French Emergency Nurse
LeBlanc, Pierre French TV Reporter
Beny, Jude Female Traveler
Holden, Arthur Blue Suit Traveler
Curley, Sean Airport Backpacker
Fournier, Susanna Flight Attendant
Peplowski, Andrew White House Reporter
Jeudy-Lamour, Moe White House Ticket Man
Napier, Neil Secret Service Agent
Mwinga, Mizinga Potomac River Cop
Chan, Jimmy Chinese Translator
Other People
Director Singer, Bryan
Producer Donner, Lauren Shuler; Singer, Bryan; Kinberg, Simon; Parker, Hutch
Writer Kinberg, Simon
Composer Ottman, John
Studio Revolution Sun Studios; The Donners' Company; Marvel Entertainment; Bad Hat Harry Productions; TSG Entertainment; Down Productions; 20th Century Fox
Running Time 131
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods as they join forces with their younger selves in an epic battle that must change the past – to save our future.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles