Medium File
Production Year 2010
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Thriller; Science Fiction; Mystery; Adventure
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Inception
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
DiCaprio, Leonardo Dom Cobb
Gordon-Levitt, Joseph Arthur
Page, Ellen Ariadne
Hardy, Tom Eames
Watanabe, Ken Saito
Murphy, Cillian Robert Fischer
Cotillard, Marion Mal
Caine, Michael Miles
Rao, Dileep Yusuf
Berenger, Tom Browning
Postlethwaite, Pete Maurice Fischer
Haas, Lukas Nash
Riley, Talulah Blonde
Masamune, Tohoru Japanese Security Guard
Geare, Taylor Phillipa (5 years)
Geare, Claire Phillipa (3 years)
Geare, Johnathan James (3 years)
Okumoto, Yuji Saito's Attendant
Cameron, Earl Elderly Bald Man
Hayward, Ryan Lawyer
Nolan, Miranda Flight Attendant
Fega, Russ Cab Driver
Kelleher, Tim Thin Man
Dedykere, Coralie Bridge Sub Con
Laguna, Silvie Bridge Sub Con
Bramly, Virgile Bridge Sub Con
Clerc, Nicolas Bridge Sub Con
Dagory, Jean-Michel Bridge Sub Con
Raducci, Marc Lobby Sub Con
Lee, Tai-Li Tadashi
Nolan, Magnus James (20 months)
Cullinan, Helena Penrose Sub Con
Fleischmann, Mark Penrose Sub Con
Lang, Shelley Penrose Sub Con
Cole, Adam Bar Sub Con
Murray, Jack Bar Sub Con
Thornber, Kraig Bar Sub Con
Nathenson, Angela Bar Sub Con
Beaumont, Natasha Bar Sub Con
Gilliard, Carl Lobby Sub Con
Maddrell, Jill Lobby Sub Con
Lombard, Alex Lobby Sub Con
Pulliam, Nicole Lobby Sub Con
Basham, Peter Fischer's Jet Captain
Gaston, Michael Immigration Officer
Scott, Felix Businessman
Pleavin, Andrew Businessman
Reynolds, Lisa Private Nurse
Tendell, Jason Fischer's Driver
Gilroy, Jack Old Cobb
Welles, Shannon Old Mal
Other People
Director Nolan, Christopher
Producer Nolan, Christopher; Thomas, Emma; Sakura, Kanjirô; Taki, Yoshikuni
Composer Zimmer, Hans
Studio Legendary Entertainment; Syncopy; Warner Bros. Pictures
Running Time 148
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Cobb, a skilled thief who commits corporate espionage by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: "inception", the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles