Medium File
Production Year 2018
Rating NR
Genre Drama; Romance
TMDb Link
IMDb Link https://www.imd...itle/tt8168186/
Original Title
IMDb Rating 7 stars
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Other People
Director Charrier, Christophe
Producer Brauer, Sandrine; Masmonteil, Marie
Writer Charrier, Christophe
Studio En Compagnie Des Lamas; Arte France; Region PACA; Centre National Du Cinéma Et de L'image Animée (CNC)
Running Time 82
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Boys (Jonas) is a mystery told in two separate timelines. In the first, it's 1997 and Jonas is entering 9th grade. A new boy in school immediately catches his eye. Perhaps it's the bad-boy scar on his cheek or his devil-may-care attitude, but Jonas is smitten. The two boys quickly become friends and before long are skipping class to kiss in an empty gymnasium. In the film's other timeline, it's 2015 and the excitement of a teenager in love has been replaced with the sorrow of a man who can't escape the past. The adult version of Jonas (Félix Maritaud, outstanding in this year's sexually graphic Sauvage and last year's ImageOut favorite BPM) is a broken man. His boyfriend has thrown him out for cheating on him a few too many times, and he's been arrested for getting into a fight at Boys, a local gay bar. There's something about the bar that seems to set him off. He meanders through life still carrying that same old Game Boy, trying to fill a hole that can't be filled. So what happened to turn this innocent teenager into the sad, angry man that we see now? Boys (Jonas) is an engrossing mystery that will keep you guessing from the first minute to the last. As it moves back and forth between its two timelines, the film succeeds as both a sweet coming-of-age love story and a dark suspense thriller. As these two perfectly-told stories intertwine, it makes for a totally unique and truly special cinematic experience.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched No

Publication Year

Alternative Titles
  • Game Boy
  • Boys
  • Boys
  • Boys
  • Jonas - Vergiss Mich Nicht
  • United Kingdom:15