Medium File
Production Year 2011
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Adventure; Science Fiction
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Captain America: The First Avenger
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Evans, Chris Steve Rogers / Captain America
Atwell, Hayley Peggy Carter
Weaving, Hugo Johann Schmidt / Red Skull
Jones, Tommy Lee Col. Chester Phillips
Stan, Sebastian James "Bucky" Barnes
Cooper, Dominic Howard Stark
Tucci, Stanley Abraham Erskine
Jones, Toby Dr. Arnim Zola
Armitage, Richard Heinz Kruger
McDonough, Neal Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan
Luke, Derek Gabe Jones
Choi, Kenneth Jim Morita
Ricci, Bruno Jacques Dernier
Feild, J. J. James Montgomery Falsworth
Jackson, Samuel L. Nick Fury
Dormer, Natalie Private Lorraine
Righetti, Amanda SHIELD Agent
Lee, Stan General
Brandon, Michael Senator Brandt
Sherman, Martin Brandt's Aide
Hope, William SHIELD Lieutenant
Shrapnel, Lex Gilmore Hodge
Pearce, Oscar Search Team Leader
Pinnock, Nicholas SHIELD Tech
Oravec, Marek Jan
Bradley, David Tower Keeper
Deeny, Leander Barman
Hoare, Sam Nervous Recruit
Coleman, Jenna Connie
Colquhoun, Sophie Bonnie
Kunz, Simon 4F Doctor
O'Connor, Kieran Loud Jerk
Cockle, Doug Young Doctor
Batt, Ben Enlistment Office MP
Fitzgerald, Mollie Stark Girl
Driver, Damon Sergeant Duffy
McKail, David Johann Schmidt's Artist
Walker, Amanda Antique Store Owner
Freeman, Richard SSR Doctor
Press, Katherine Project Rebirth Nurse
Covino, Sergio Kruger's Aide
Walton, Marcello Undercover Bum
Taubman, Anatole Roeder
Pohl, Jan Hutter
Redman, Erich Schneider
Hoult, Rosanna The Star Spangled Singer
Slights, Naomi The Star Spangled Singer
Mather, Kirsty The Star Spangled Singer
Haddock, Laura Autograph Seeker
Payton, James 'Adolph Hitler'
Raftery, Ronan Army Heckler
Hendrix, Nick Army Heckler
Allen-Gale, Luke Army Heckler
Gordon, Jack Army Heckler
Uttley, Ben HYDRA Guard / HYDRA Pilot
Monckeberg, Patrick Manager Velt
Other People
Director Johnston, Joe
Producer Feige, Kevin; Alonso, Victoria; Bell, Mitchell; Broussard, Stephen; Whelan, Richard
Writer McFeely, Stephen; Markus, Christopher
Composer Silvestri, Alan
Studio Marvel Studios
Running Time 124
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Predominantly set during World War II, Steve Rogers is a sickly man from Brooklyn who's transformed into super-soldier Captain America to aid in the war effort. Rogers must stop the Red Skull – Adolf Hitler's ruthless head of weaponry, and the leader of an organization that intends to use a mysterious device of untold powers for world domination.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles