Medium File
Production Year 2011
Rating PG-13
Genre Action; Science Fiction; Thriller; Western
TMDb Link
IMDb Link
Original Title Cowboys & Aliens
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Craig, Daniel Jake Lonergan
Wilde, Olivia Ella Swenson
Ford, Harrison Col. Woodrow Dolarhyde
Rockwell, Sam Doc
Goggins, Walton Hunt
Brown, Clancy Meacham
Carradine, Keith Sheriff Taggart
Beach, Adam Nat Colorado
Dano, Paul Percy Dolarhyde
Reguera, Ana de La Maria
Spencer, Abigail Alice
Ringer, Noah Emmet Taggart
O'Hara, David Pat Dolan
Huss, Toby Roy Murphy
Trujillo, Raoul Max Black Knife
Midthunder, David Apache Warrior 1
Taylor, Matthew Luke Claiborne
Duffy, Brian Deputy
Wayne, Brendan Charlie Lyle
Grazer, Gavin Ed
Russell, Wyatt Little Mickey
Cedillo, Julio Bronc
Randall, Chad Bull McCade
Taylor, Buck Wes Claiborne
Taylor, Cooper Mose Claiborne
Browning, Chris Jed Parker
Jatho, Jimmy Saloon Patron
Call, Kenny Greavy
Noël, Garret Gang Member
Gilbert, Troy Red
Hendrickson, Scout Jake's Gang Member
Plenty, Mo Brings Apache Warrior 2
Pike, Phillip Apache Singer
Ortega, Paul Medicine Man
Simmons, Robyn Apache Dancer
Enjady, Oliver Apache Dancer
Bell, Robert Lee Sea Captain (uncredited)
Bethke, Maria Polka Dancer (uncredited)
Bethke, Todd Polka Dancer (uncredited)
Carnevale, Michael J. Townsperson / Cowboy (uncredited)
Cohen, David Townsperson (uncredited)
Fetters, Cassandra Rochelle Townswoman (uncredited)
Flick, Scott Townsperson (uncredited)
Fresquez, Amanda Prostitute (uncredited)
Garcia, Rosalinda Alien Slave (uncredited)
Ironbear, Mylo Apache Warrior 3 (uncredited)
James, Benny Freed Townsperson (uncredited)
Jones, Richard Allan Alien Slave (uncredited)
Morrow, Alexandria Prostitute (uncredited)
Napoleon, Maxine Medicine Woman (uncredited)
Powell, Michael Neal Injured Townsman (uncredited)
Ruble, Kelly Wealthy Man (uncredited)
Upton, Charlene Adams Polka Dancer (uncredited)
Marshall, Paul Alien Slave (uncredited)
Other People
Director Favreau, Jon
Producer Lindelof, Damon; Grazer, Brian; Howard, Ron; Kurtzman, Alex
Writer Orci, Roberto; Kurtzman, Alex
Composer Gregson-Williams, Harry
Studio Universal Pictures; Reliance Entertainment; Relativity Media; Imagine Entertainment; K/O Paper Products; Fairview Entertainment; Platinum Studios; K/O Camera Toys; DreamWorks
Running Time 119
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

A stranger stumbles into the desert town of Absolution with no memory of his past and a futuristic shackle around his wrist. With the help of mysterious beauty Ella and the iron-fisted Colonel Dolarhyde, he finds himself leading an unlikely posse of cowboys, outlaws, and Apache warriors against a common enemy from beyond this world in an epic showdown for survival.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles