Medium File
Production Year 2014
Rating PG-13
Genre History; Drama; Thriller; War
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/205596
IMDb Link
Original Title Imitation Game, The
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Cumberbatch, Benedict Alan Turing
Knightley, Keira Joan Clarke
Goode, Matthew Hugh Alexander
Kinnear, Rory Detective Robert Nock
Leech, Allen John Cairncross
Beard, Matthew Peter Hilton
Dance, Charles Commander Denniston
Strong, Mark Stewart Menzies
Northcote, James Jack Good
Goodman-Hill, Tom Sergeant Staehl
Waddington, Steven Superintendent Smith
Goodman, Ilan Keith Furman
Tarlton, Jack Charles Richards
Lawther, Alex Young Alan Turing
Bannon, Jack Christopher Morcom
Middleton, Tuppence Helen
Charman, Dominik Sherborne Student 1
Nunn, James G. Sherborne Student 2
Manton, Charlie Sherborne Student 3
Charkham, David Joan's Father
Wicks, Victoria Joan's Mother
Havill, Andrew Teacher
Kennedy, Laurence Headmaster
van Eyken, Tim MI6 Agent
Weatherall, Viv Military Policeman
Bell, Miranda Margaret
Steed, Tim Electrical Assistant
Wandrykow, Bartosz Crossword Enthusiast
Asquith-Coe, Lese MI6 Agent (uncredited)
Bacon, Hayley Joanne Woman in Crowd (uncredited)
Beacham, Lauren RAF Wren (uncredited)
Benussi, Ingrid Dancer (uncredited)
Blatt, Nicholas Ministry Man (uncredited)
Brash, Jack Evacuee (uncredited)
Breaban, Ancuta Wren (uncredited)
Burcher, Alex Corbet Dancer (uncredited)
Calder, Grace Assistant Wren (uncredited)
Campbell, Richard Crossword Man in Pub (uncredited)
Chapple, Daniel MI6 Agent (uncredited)
Colquhoun, Lisa Joan Clarke's Friend (uncredited)
Cooper, Alexander Bletchley Park Agent (uncredited)
Dent, Leigh Passerby (uncredited)
Eden, Esther WW2 Wren (uncredited)
Exley, Sam Military Policeman 3 (uncredited)
Farrow, Ben Military Police (uncredited)
Firth, Mike Crossword Enthusiast (uncredited)
Flynn, Hannah Wren (uncredited)
Gard, James School Boy (uncredited)
Gultniece, Guna Passerby (uncredited)
Hardie, Benjamin Paperboy (uncredited)
Hatton, Oscar Evacuee (uncredited)
Hope, Luke MI6 Agent (uncredited)
Horton, Vera Nunn (uncredited)
Idearson, Vincent MI6 Agent (uncredited)
Koroshko, Denis Civilian (uncredited)
Leigh-Taylor, Debra Evacuee (uncredited)
Matthews, Stuart Bletchley Park Operative (uncredited)
May, Amber-Rose Joan Clarke's Friend (uncredited)
Moran, Samantha Wren (uncredited)
Nowell, Adam Technician (uncredited)
Oliveira, Joseph MI6 Agent (uncredited)
Parkinson, Harry Leonard Evacuee (uncredited)
Redmann, John Young Officer (uncredited)
Robinson, David G. Police Sergeant White (uncredited)
Tapfield, Alice Wren (uncredited)
Underwood, Mark Crossword Man (uncredited)
Wells, Nicola-Jayne First Aid Nurse (uncredited)
Wichard, Josh German Pilot (uncredited)
Other People
Director Tyldum, Morten
Producer Grossman, Nora; Ostrowsky, Ido; Schwarzman, Teddy
Writer Moore, Graham
Composer Desplat, Alexandre
Studio Bristol Automotive; Black Bear Pictures
Running Time 113
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Based on the real life story of legendary cryptanalyst Alan Turing, the film portrays the nail-biting race against time by Turing and his brilliant team of code-breakers at Britain's top-secret Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park, during the darkest days of World War II.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles