Medium File
Production Year 2015
Rating PG
Genre Drama; Comedy; Animation; Family
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/150540
IMDb Link
Original Title Inside Out
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Poehler, Amy Joy (voice)
Smith, Phyllis Sadness (voice)
Kind, Richard Bing Bong (voice)
Hader, Bill Fear (voice)
Black, Lewis Anger (voice)
Kaling, Mindy Disgust (voice)
Dias, Kaitlyn Riley (voice)
Lane, Diane Mom (voice)
MacLachlan, Kyle Dad (voice)
Poundstone, Paula Forgetter Paula (voice)
Moynihan, Bobby Forgetter Bobby (voice)
Pell, Paula Dream Director / Mom's Anger / Additional Voices (voice)
Goelz, Dave Subconscious Guard Frank (voice)
Oz, Frank Subconscious Guard Dave (voice)
Cooley, Josh Jangles (voice)
Flea Mind Worker Cop Jake (voice)
Ratzenberger, John Fritz (voice)
Alazraqui, Carlos Brazilian Pilot / Additional Voices (voice)
Sagal, Peter Clown's Joy (voice)
Jones, Rashida Cool Girl's Emotions (voice)
Alan, Lori Additional Voices (voice)
Berger, Gregg Additional Voices (voice)
Blue, Aurora Additional Voices (voice)
Bonell, Veronika Additional Voices (voice)
Cooley, Lola Additional Voices (voice)
Cygan, John Additional Voices (voice)
Dare, Dani Additional Voices (voice)
Datzman, Andrea Additional Voices (voice)
Carmen, Ronnie Del Additional Voices (voice)
Docter, Pete Additional Voices (voice)
Ferguson, Keith Additional Voices (voice)
Fucile, Tony Additional Voices (voice)
Gibbs, Mary Additional Voices (voice)
Hahn, Randy Additional Voices (voice)
Hastings, Carter Additional Voices (voice)
Hopkins, Jacob Additional Voices (voice)
Hudak, Emma Additional Voices (voice)
Hudak, Evan Additional Voices (voice)
Iruka, Dara Additional Voices (voice)
Jackson, Molly Additional Voices (voice)
Jones, Daniella Additional Voices (voice)
Karadi, Sophia Lee Additional Voices (voice)
Knight, Elissa Additional Voices (voice)
Langley, Erik Additional Voices (voice)
Lewis, Dawnn Additional Voices (voice)
Lynn, Sherry Additional Voices (voice)
Maki, Tony Additional Voices (voice)
Marshall, Mona Additional Voices (voice)
Newman, Laraine Additional Voices (voice)
Parker, Bret 'Brook' Additional Voices (voice)
Pell, Paula Additional Voices (voice)
Pitera, Nick Additional Voices (voice)
Proctor, Phil Additional Voices (voice)
Schaeffer, Murray Pearl Additional Voices (voice)
Seitz, Patrick Additional Voices (voice)
Van Dyke, Paris Additional Voices (voice)
Ward, James Kevin Additional Voices (voice)
Ward, Jim Additional Voices (voice)
Wynn, Lennon Additional Voices (voice)
Zamm, Dashell Additional Voices (voice)
Bergen, Bob Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
Ganzel, Teresa Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
Harnell, Jess Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
Mann, Danny Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
McGowan, Mickie Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
Rabson, Jan Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
Other People
Director Docter, Pete
Producer Rivera, Jonas
Writer LeFauve, Meg; Cooley, Josh; Docter, Pete
Composer Giacchino, Michael
Studio Pixar
Running Time 95
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it's no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley's mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley's main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles