Medium File
Production Year 2015
Rating R
Genre Crime; Comedy; Action; Adventure
TMDb Link http://www.them...rg/movie/207703
IMDb Link
Original Title Kingsman: The Secret Service
IMDb Rating
Type Movie
Actor/Actress Role
Firth, Colin Harry Hart / Galahad
Jackson, Samuel L. Richmond Valentine
Strong, Mark Hamish Mycroft / Merlin
Egerton, Taron Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin
Caine, Michael Chester King / Arthur
Cookson, Sophie Roxanne 'Roxy' Morton / Lancelot
Boutella, Sofia Gazelle
Womack, Samantha Michelle Unwin
Bell, Geoff Dean Baker
Holcroft, Edward Charles 'Charlie' Hesketh
Hamill, Mark Professor James Arnold
Davenport, Jack James Spencer / Lancelot
Cutmore-Scott, Jack Rufus
Travers, Lily Lady Sophie
Alström, Hanna Princess Tilde
Floberg, Bjørn Prime Minister Morten Lindström
Davies, Jonno Lee Unwin
Banks, Nicholas Digby Barker
Agnew, Nicholas Nathaniel
Polonski, Rowan Piers
Prior, Tom Hugo Higins
Hampton, Fiona Amelia
Brake, Richard The Interrogator
Ineson, Ralph Policeman
Johnson, Corey Church Leader
Topic, Velibor Big Goon
Quinton, Adrian Terrorist (as Adrian Quentin)
Nikolov, Alex Little Eggsy
Long, Jordan Poodle
Barklem-Biggs, Theo Ryan
Bakare, Tobi Jamal
Watkins, Morgan Rottweiler
Kennington, Paul Barman
Taylor, Johanna Valentine's Assistant 1
Bridgmont, Andrew Kingsman Tailor
Wittman, Anne Church Blonde Woman
Lenart, Andrei Arctic Guard
Green, Simon Valentine's Butler
Storm, Lazara Valentine's Assistant 2 (as Lazara)
Hewson, Sarah Sky News Reader
Secker, Jayne Sky News Reader
Burak, Lukwesa Sky News Reader
Clayton, James Kingsman Knight
English, Nick Kingsman Knight
Filmer, Charles Kingsman Knight
Hart, Bimbo Kingsman Knight
King, Chester Kingsman Knight
MacIntosh, Alastair Kingsman Knight
Peres, Carlos Kingsman Knight
Harris, Lee Nicholas Fireman
Chambers, Jamie B. Arctic Guard (uncredited)
Other People
Director Vaughn, Matthew
Producer Bohling, Adam; Reid, David; Vaughn, Matthew
Composer Jackman, Henry; Margeson, Matthew
Studio TSG Entertainment; Marv Films; Cloudy Productions; 20th Century Fox; Shangri-La Entertainment
Running Time 129
Aspect Ratio
Color Mode Color
Plot Summary

The story of a super-secret spy organization that recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into the agency's ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius.

Personal Rating
Location Media_Center
Watched Yes

Publication Year

Alternative Titles